
Intoxica! Strange And Sleazy Instrumental Sounds

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Intoxica! Strange And Sleazy Instrumental Sounds From The SoCal Suburbs
Various Artists (Downey Records)

1. Intoxica - The Revels
2. Night Scene - The Rumblers
3. Unknown Inst - The Del Rio Bros
4. Night Rider - Ed Burkey
5. Eight Ball - The Hustlers
6. Sound Of Mecca - The Blazers
7. Wino Stomp Aka Open House At The Cinder Aka Bandido - The Pastel Six
8. Hava Nagila Part 1 - Ginny & Gallions
9. Migrane - The Hustlers
10. Here Comes The Bug - The Rumblers
11. Night Scene - Chuck Higgins
12. A Week From Tuesday - The Pastel Six
13. Inertia - The Hustlers
14. Comanche - The Revels
15. Theme Of Etiquette Aka Roses - The Hindus
16. Ghost Of Mary Meade - Little Caesar & The Angels
17. Blockade Aka Droumas / Roll Off / That`s It - The Rumblers
18. Unknown Inst 1 - Ed Burkey
19. Third Man Theme - Ginny & Gallions
20. Water Wheel - Chuck Higgins
21. Hot Licks - The Rendells
22. Frenzy - The Hindus
23. Made In Japan - The Nylons
24. Rosemary`s Baby Aka Apache Ghost - Ed Burkey
25. Russian Roulette Aka Surfbound - The Nevegans
26. Space Battle - Stories In Sound

Downey is in Los Angeles County, ten miles from Downtown Los Angeles, and is famous for three things. One is the oldest existing standard McDonald’s. The second would have to be the Carpenters. The singing stars who appealed to the silent majority with the ordinary taste. The third is Wenzel’s Music Town. Downey Records was in the back of Wenzel’s Music Town, a record store serving Southern California`s music lovers for 40 years. Downey Records achieved notoriety with recordings like the Chantays’ ‘Pipeline’ and the Rumblers’ ‘Boss.’ Since the Wenzels retired in 2002, only the McDonalds is still open for business.

Wenzel’s Music Town sat at 13117 Lakewood Blvd., just inside the Downey city line, and was one of the best collector’s record stores in Southern California. Tom and Maxine Wenzel ran Wenzel’s as an “oldies” store from 1972, until they retired, but it was at this location that Tom’s father, Bill, and his older brother, Jack, ran the Downey studio and record label from 1959 until the late 60s.

The store was divided in two halves, with the more interesting stuff through to the left, through a doorway with a velvet rope across it. Permission was needed to pass the rope, and when I visited in 1978 I was surrounded by four walls racked out with 45s, and was unsupervised. I didn’t know it then but this was the actual room that the recordings had been held in. A collector who knew the store had told me to go to the bathroom, and look up above my head. There, on a rickety old shelf piled high, were the original master tapes from the Downey studio and label. It became part of the experience of visiting Wenzels. The last time I saw those tapes was in 1991, when I interviewed Tom Wenzel for Goldmine Magazine, and the masters remained there in the dark, protected from the California sun, until the store closed. Now, after all these years, we are presenting these wonderful recordings in this series. Very many have never been heard before.

INTOXICA! is the first in a series presenting the Downey output by genre. Even more interestingly, the first comp out of the gate is an instrumental collection, but not a surf comp. No Pipeline here. The Downey vaults have been trawled thoroughly in order to bring straight-from-the-masters quality (and in the doing of it, discovering that the released sides were only the tip of an iceberg!). This collection features instrumentals from the gamut of young bands from the California beach communities and as far east as Las Vegas; cabaret acts from the lounges of Lake Tahoe and Palm Springs; mixed in with some great R&B names who used Downey’s studio and cut some fine instros of their own. The theme that links them all together is a quirky sense of cinematic drama and fun, a certain sleaziness, a love of analogue tape echo, and all recorded in an experimental fashion the equal of Joe Meek, who was working contemporaneously in London.

This collection will appeal to the instrumental collector, and the lover of lounge-sleaze. This comp has oodles of rare sides and seven unreleased gems. Familiar names likes the Revels, Rumblers, Nevegans and Hustlers rub shoulders with the R&B of Chuck Higgins and Little Caesar. A treat for connoisseurs of the strange!

Svi predmeti u prodaji su iz licne kolekcije.
Predmet šaljem nakon uplate na moj tekući račun ili po dogovoru.
Lično preuzimanje je uvek moguce u Novom Sadu po dogovoru,ili na mojoj adresi .
Molim kupce da pre licitacije pitaju sve sto ih zanima, kako bi izbegli eventualne nesporazume.
U slučaju bilo kakvog problema nakon preuzimanja paketa, kontaktirajte me pre davanja ocene kako bi isti pokusali da rešimo.
Ne šaljem pouzećem.

Za prodaju cd-ova : Plastične kutije su zamenjive i njih NE OCENJUJEM! Takodje zadnja strana iza plastike drzaca cd je vidljiva slika, za njih isto ne ide ocena, sve se vidi!

U periodu od 30.8 do 15 .9 sam na putovanju i necu biti u mogucnosti da saljem posiljke. Bicu dostupan za svaku vrstu komunikacije.

Predmet: 37743547

Intoxica! Strange And Sleazy Instrumental Sounds From The SoCal Suburbs
Various Artists (Downey Records)

1. Intoxica - The Revels
2. Night Scene - The Rumblers
3. Unknown Inst - The Del Rio Bros
4. Night Rider - Ed Burkey
5. Eight Ball - The Hustlers
6. Sound Of Mecca - The Blazers
7. Wino Stomp Aka Open House At The Cinder Aka Bandido - The Pastel Six
8. Hava Nagila Part 1 - Ginny & Gallions
9. Migrane - The Hustlers
10. Here Comes The Bug - The Rumblers
11. Night Scene - Chuck Higgins
12. A Week From Tuesday - The Pastel Six
13. Inertia - The Hustlers
14. Comanche - The Revels
15. Theme Of Etiquette Aka Roses - The Hindus
16. Ghost Of Mary Meade - Little Caesar & The Angels
17. Blockade Aka Droumas / Roll Off / That`s It - The Rumblers
18. Unknown Inst 1 - Ed Burkey
19. Third Man Theme - Ginny & Gallions
20. Water Wheel - Chuck Higgins
21. Hot Licks - The Rendells
22. Frenzy - The Hindus
23. Made In Japan - The Nylons
24. Rosemary`s Baby Aka Apache Ghost - Ed Burkey
25. Russian Roulette Aka Surfbound - The Nevegans
26. Space Battle - Stories In Sound

Downey is in Los Angeles County, ten miles from Downtown Los Angeles, and is famous for three things. One is the oldest existing standard McDonald’s. The second would have to be the Carpenters. The singing stars who appealed to the silent majority with the ordinary taste. The third is Wenzel’s Music Town. Downey Records was in the back of Wenzel’s Music Town, a record store serving Southern California`s music lovers for 40 years. Downey Records achieved notoriety with recordings like the Chantays’ ‘Pipeline’ and the Rumblers’ ‘Boss.’ Since the Wenzels retired in 2002, only the McDonalds is still open for business.

Wenzel’s Music Town sat at 13117 Lakewood Blvd., just inside the Downey city line, and was one of the best collector’s record stores in Southern California. Tom and Maxine Wenzel ran Wenzel’s as an “oldies” store from 1972, until they retired, but it was at this location that Tom’s father, Bill, and his older brother, Jack, ran the Downey studio and record label from 1959 until the late 60s.

The store was divided in two halves, with the more interesting stuff through to the left, through a doorway with a velvet rope across it. Permission was needed to pass the rope, and when I visited in 1978 I was surrounded by four walls racked out with 45s, and was unsupervised. I didn’t know it then but this was the actual room that the recordings had been held in. A collector who knew the store had told me to go to the bathroom, and look up above my head. There, on a rickety old shelf piled high, were the original master tapes from the Downey studio and label. It became part of the experience of visiting Wenzels. The last time I saw those tapes was in 1991, when I interviewed Tom Wenzel for Goldmine Magazine, and the masters remained there in the dark, protected from the California sun, until the store closed. Now, after all these years, we are presenting these wonderful recordings in this series. Very many have never been heard before.

INTOXICA! is the first in a series presenting the Downey output by genre. Even more interestingly, the first comp out of the gate is an instrumental collection, but not a surf comp. No Pipeline here. The Downey vaults have been trawled thoroughly in order to bring straight-from-the-masters quality (and in the doing of it, discovering that the released sides were only the tip of an iceberg!). This collection features instrumentals from the gamut of young bands from the California beach communities and as far east as Las Vegas; cabaret acts from the lounges of Lake Tahoe and Palm Springs; mixed in with some great R&B names who used Downey’s studio and cut some fine instros of their own. The theme that links them all together is a quirky sense of cinematic drama and fun, a certain sleaziness, a love of analogue tape echo, and all recorded in an experimental fashion the equal of Joe Meek, who was working contemporaneously in London.

This collection will appeal to the instrumental collector, and the lover of lounge-sleaze. This comp has oodles of rare sides and seven unreleased gems. Familiar names likes the Revels, Rumblers, Nevegans and Hustlers rub shoulders with the R&B of Chuck Higgins and Little Caesar. A treat for connoisseurs of the strange!
37743547 Intoxica! Strange And Sleazy Instrumental Sounds

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