
John Gunther - Procession

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1965
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju. Zaštitni omot oštećen, kao na slici.

First edition thus, 1965. Pictorial dust jacket over brown cloth.
Pages remain bright and clean. Binding is firm.
xiv, 514 pages 25 cm.

John Gunther has been called with justice ‘the world’s foremost political reporter’, and his latest book can only confirm this opinion. He probably knows more about the political scene, in all its aspects, than anyone else, and his memories of people and events throw a unique and fascinating light on the history of the last thirty years. Procession, a mixture of appraisal and reminiscence, offers the reader a portrait gallery of extraordinary range and variety, and very few famous figures of the political world since 1930 are not represented.

Among the chapters devoted to pre-war days those on the three dictators, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, stand out, perhaps inevitably, but there are also inimitable sketches of Dollfuss, Masaryk, Trotsky and Ramsay MacDonald. Roosevelt and Churchill are there, as are Chiang Kai-Chek and Gandhi. And, coming to more recent times, Mr. Gunther recalls such diverse personalities as Tito, Nasser, Eisenhower, Nkrumah, Schweitzer, Adenauer, de Gaulle, Macmillan and Khruschev. It is perhaps ironical that his final chapter is devoted to an assessment of Sir Alec Douglas-Home and Harold Wilson, and his characteristically cool and well-informed views on these two opponents are highly important in the context of the present precarious political situation in this country.

A list of the men considered and evaluated in this book might give the impression that Procession is a mere catalogue. This is very far from the truth. Mr. Gunther has produced a brilliant and informative panorama of personalities and events which no student of politics or indeed anyone interested in modern history can afford to ignore.

Author’s Note xiii
Part One: three dictators
1. Hitler 3
2. Mussolini 20
3. Stalin 37
Part Two: three portraits in miniature
4. Captain Eden, Lord Privy Seal 57
5. The Bucharest Du Barry 63
6. Chancellor Dollfuss: Flyweight Champion of Europe 68
Part Three: the turbulent thirties
7. Trotsky at Elba 77
8. Masaryk the Magnificent 88
9. The Turkish Colossus 92
10. De Valera 98
11. Lavaluation 108
12. The Socialist Exquisite of the lie St. Louis 115
13. The Incomparable Winston 122
Part Four: across asia
14. The Emperor of Japan 139
15. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek 155
16. The Mahatma 166
17. Have You Seen Jawaharlal? 187
18. Kings of the Middle East 204
19. First Citizen of the Jews 211
Part Five: south of the border
20. Cardenas Days and Years 221
Part Six: war in sicily
21. Montgomery and Alexander 229
Part Seven: a gallery of Americans
22. FDR: The Historical Perspective 239
23. Coast to Coast 255
a. The Man from Missouri 256
b. Earl Warren of California 261
c. A Freshman from the Mountain Slopes 263
d. Saltonstall of Massachusetts 267
24. The Not-So-Little Flower 272
25. The Case of Mr. Crump 283
26. Caesar of the Pacific 288
27. Ike 308
Part Eight: behind the curtain
28. Tito of Yugoslavia 327
Part Nine: 1 hold thee fast, Africa
29. The Northern Tier 345
a. Lord of the Atlas 345
b. The Grand Vizier 354
c. Bey of Tunis 354
d. His Majesty King Idris I of Libya 357
30. Nasser 361
31. The King of Kings 374
32. Showboy 388
33. Mr. Tubman of Liberia 403
34. A Visit to Dr. Albert Schweitzer 417
Part Ten: into the sixties
35. Macmillan 439
36. The Old Man on the Rhine 453
37. The Person of de Gaulle 465
38. Mr. K. 475
39. Inside England 1964 489
Index 501

Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Albert Schweitzer, Chiang Kai-shek, Cardenas, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, .


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Predmet: 79150897
U dobrom stanju. Zaštitni omot oštećen, kao na slici.

First edition thus, 1965. Pictorial dust jacket over brown cloth.
Pages remain bright and clean. Binding is firm.
xiv, 514 pages 25 cm.

John Gunther has been called with justice ‘the world’s foremost political reporter’, and his latest book can only confirm this opinion. He probably knows more about the political scene, in all its aspects, than anyone else, and his memories of people and events throw a unique and fascinating light on the history of the last thirty years. Procession, a mixture of appraisal and reminiscence, offers the reader a portrait gallery of extraordinary range and variety, and very few famous figures of the political world since 1930 are not represented.

Among the chapters devoted to pre-war days those on the three dictators, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, stand out, perhaps inevitably, but there are also inimitable sketches of Dollfuss, Masaryk, Trotsky and Ramsay MacDonald. Roosevelt and Churchill are there, as are Chiang Kai-Chek and Gandhi. And, coming to more recent times, Mr. Gunther recalls such diverse personalities as Tito, Nasser, Eisenhower, Nkrumah, Schweitzer, Adenauer, de Gaulle, Macmillan and Khruschev. It is perhaps ironical that his final chapter is devoted to an assessment of Sir Alec Douglas-Home and Harold Wilson, and his characteristically cool and well-informed views on these two opponents are highly important in the context of the present precarious political situation in this country.

A list of the men considered and evaluated in this book might give the impression that Procession is a mere catalogue. This is very far from the truth. Mr. Gunther has produced a brilliant and informative panorama of personalities and events which no student of politics or indeed anyone interested in modern history can afford to ignore.

Author’s Note xiii
Part One: three dictators
1. Hitler 3
2. Mussolini 20
3. Stalin 37
Part Two: three portraits in miniature
4. Captain Eden, Lord Privy Seal 57
5. The Bucharest Du Barry 63
6. Chancellor Dollfuss: Flyweight Champion of Europe 68
Part Three: the turbulent thirties
7. Trotsky at Elba 77
8. Masaryk the Magnificent 88
9. The Turkish Colossus 92
10. De Valera 98
11. Lavaluation 108
12. The Socialist Exquisite of the lie St. Louis 115
13. The Incomparable Winston 122
Part Four: across asia
14. The Emperor of Japan 139
15. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek 155
16. The Mahatma 166
17. Have You Seen Jawaharlal? 187
18. Kings of the Middle East 204
19. First Citizen of the Jews 211
Part Five: south of the border
20. Cardenas Days and Years 221
Part Six: war in sicily
21. Montgomery and Alexander 229
Part Seven: a gallery of Americans
22. FDR: The Historical Perspective 239
23. Coast to Coast 255
a. The Man from Missouri 256
b. Earl Warren of California 261
c. A Freshman from the Mountain Slopes 263
d. Saltonstall of Massachusetts 267
24. The Not-So-Little Flower 272
25. The Case of Mr. Crump 283
26. Caesar of the Pacific 288
27. Ike 308
Part Eight: behind the curtain
28. Tito of Yugoslavia 327
Part Nine: 1 hold thee fast, Africa
29. The Northern Tier 345
a. Lord of the Atlas 345
b. The Grand Vizier 354
c. Bey of Tunis 354
d. His Majesty King Idris I of Libya 357
30. Nasser 361
31. The King of Kings 374
32. Showboy 388
33. Mr. Tubman of Liberia 403
34. A Visit to Dr. Albert Schweitzer 417
Part Ten: into the sixties
35. Macmillan 439
36. The Old Man on the Rhine 453
37. The Person of de Gaulle 465
38. Mr. K. 475
39. Inside England 1964 489
Index 501

Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Albert Schweitzer, Chiang Kai-shek, Cardenas, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, .
79150897 John Gunther - Procession

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