
Westland 50 / John W.R. Taylor, Maurice F. Allward

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1965.
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Monografije
Autor: Strani

Monografija izdata povodom pedesetogodišnjice osnivanja britanske fabrike aviona i helikoptera Vestland

London, Velika Britanija 1965. Tvrd povez, ilustrovano, engleski jezik, 216 strana + strane sa fotografijama.
Knjiga je veoma dobro / odlično očuvana.

England`s West Country is no stranger to pioneering, from the exploits of Elizabethan seamen to Stringfellow`s experiments in heavier-than-air flight in 1848 - 68. Following this tradition, Westland`s fifty years have been full of technical adventure. Since World War Il this has been coupled with considerable commercial risks, and imaginative engineering concepts have been patiently and obstinately brought to commercial realisation only through the courageous financial support of shareholders and bankers.
We are proud of our many ` firsts `—helicopter records, such as London-to-Paris, and the complementing of the first flight over Everest by engineering of the breathing equipment for the first successful ascent in 1953.
The decision to transfer from fixed to rotating wings was no impulsive whim but a carefully considered and deliberate action. Its manner, that of cooperation with Sikorsky, arose from personal contacts which have developed, over many years, into valued friendships. Profound belief in the soundness of their pioneering design was the background to our decision to manufacture, in advance of any orders, the then large number of Dragonflies. The many months during which work in progress increased, before sales were made, were then—and not for the last time—anxious ones.

1 Westland Farm
2 The First Harvest
3 One-offs to Wapiti

4 No Mountains Too High
5 Monoplanes at Last
6 Westland at War
7 Setting Europe Ablaze
8 Whirlwind and Welkin
9 Years of Decision
10 Turning Point
11 The Toy that Grew Up
12 Creating an Industry
13 Hovercraft
14 The way Ahead
Appendix 1: Family Tree
Appendix 2: Bristol Helicopters
Appendix 3: Fairey Aviation
Appendix 4: Saunders-Roe
Appendix 5: Westland Types Described
Appendix 6: Tables of Westland Products
Appendix 7: Aircraft Serial Numbers and Registrations

Predmet: 77965197
Monografija izdata povodom pedesetogodišnjice osnivanja britanske fabrike aviona i helikoptera Vestland

London, Velika Britanija 1965. Tvrd povez, ilustrovano, engleski jezik, 216 strana + strane sa fotografijama.
Knjiga je veoma dobro / odlično očuvana.

England`s West Country is no stranger to pioneering, from the exploits of Elizabethan seamen to Stringfellow`s experiments in heavier-than-air flight in 1848 - 68. Following this tradition, Westland`s fifty years have been full of technical adventure. Since World War Il this has been coupled with considerable commercial risks, and imaginative engineering concepts have been patiently and obstinately brought to commercial realisation only through the courageous financial support of shareholders and bankers.
We are proud of our many ` firsts `—helicopter records, such as London-to-Paris, and the complementing of the first flight over Everest by engineering of the breathing equipment for the first successful ascent in 1953.
The decision to transfer from fixed to rotating wings was no impulsive whim but a carefully considered and deliberate action. Its manner, that of cooperation with Sikorsky, arose from personal contacts which have developed, over many years, into valued friendships. Profound belief in the soundness of their pioneering design was the background to our decision to manufacture, in advance of any orders, the then large number of Dragonflies. The many months during which work in progress increased, before sales were made, were then—and not for the last time—anxious ones.

1 Westland Farm
2 The First Harvest
3 One-offs to Wapiti

4 No Mountains Too High
5 Monoplanes at Last
6 Westland at War
7 Setting Europe Ablaze
8 Whirlwind and Welkin
9 Years of Decision
10 Turning Point
11 The Toy that Grew Up
12 Creating an Industry
13 Hovercraft
14 The way Ahead
Appendix 1: Family Tree
Appendix 2: Bristol Helicopters
Appendix 3: Fairey Aviation
Appendix 4: Saunders-Roe
Appendix 5: Westland Types Described
Appendix 6: Tables of Westland Products
Appendix 7: Aircraft Serial Numbers and Registrations

77965197 Westland 50 / John W.R. Taylor, Maurice F. Allward

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