
National Geographic Traveler: New York

990 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 2
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

Askeza (7041)

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Jezik: Engleski

U dobrom stanju! Na Eng. jeziku!

National Geographic Traveler: New York gives you every tool you need to plan a trip to this incredibly varied and vibrant city. From exploring Manhattan`s most innovative and greenest buildings to the best chance for a U2 sighting at soul food restaurants in Harlem to trendy, fashionable TriBeCa to a splashy new feature on bohemian-chic Chelsea and the High Line to the Empire State Building, the Museum of Modern Art in midtown Manhattan, and getting around on Citi Bike, National Geographic guides you to the best known sights, and lesser known ones as well. Illustrated with 120 vivid photographs and 21 detailed, full-color maps, the guide includes a detailed introduction to New York`s history and culture and in-depth explorations of each of the city`s neighborhoods. Additional features include Insider Tips from National Geographic and local experts to favorite or little known sites and events, as well as dozens of sidebars highlighting experiences that allow the visitor to truly get inside the local culture, such as where to get the best farm-to-table food and the best place to shop for vinyl records in Manhattan. A hefty Travelwise section showcasing hand-picked hotels and restaurants rounds out this must-have book for anyone planning a trip to NYC.

Aimed at active travelers who want authentic, enriching, cultural experiences and expert advice from a trustworthy source, National Geographic Travelers provide ways for people to experience a place rather than just visit, and give the true feel of each destination not easily found online.



☑ Zamolio bih clanove koji zele licno preuzimanje, da ne postavljaju uslove kako, sta, gde... licno preuzimanje je na mojoj adresi na Telepu, ako Vam to ne odgovara kupujte od nekog drugog.

☑ Svi predmeti su fotografisani na prirodnom svetlu, nema nikakvih filtera, efekata ili neceg slicnog !


☑ Dobro pogledajte fotografije, da ne dodje do nekog nesporazuma!

☑ Tu sam za sva pitanja!

☑ Knjige saljem nakon uplate!

☑ POUZECEM SALJEM SAMO CLANOVIMA BEZ NEGATIVNIH OCENA!!!! Takodje ne saljem clanovima koji su novi tj. bez ocena!!!

☑ Filmski plakati:

☑ Molim Vas da ne ocekujete od plakata da izgledaju kao da su sada izasli iz stamparije, ipak neki od plakata imaju godina... i mi se nakon 50 godina zguzvamo :) Trudim se da ih sto bolje fotografisem kako bi ste imali uvid u stanje.

☑ Sto se tice cena plakata, uzmite samo u obzir da su ovo originalni plakati iz perioda filma, i da kada bi ste hteli da napravite (odstampate) bilo kakav filmski plakat sa intereneta kostalo bi Vas verovatno vise od hiljadu dinara...

☑ Antikvarne knjige:

☑ Sto se tice antikvarnih knjiga, molim Vas da ne ocekujete da knjige koje su stare neke i po 150 godina budu u savrsenom stanju, budite srecni sto su uopste pozivele toliko vremena i sto je informacija jos uvek u njima, a stanje kakvo je takvo je, uvek mogu da se odnesu da se prekorice i malo sreda, pa da opet dobiju malo svezine, naravno ko to zeli.

Predmet: 62132921
U dobrom stanju! Na Eng. jeziku!

National Geographic Traveler: New York gives you every tool you need to plan a trip to this incredibly varied and vibrant city. From exploring Manhattan`s most innovative and greenest buildings to the best chance for a U2 sighting at soul food restaurants in Harlem to trendy, fashionable TriBeCa to a splashy new feature on bohemian-chic Chelsea and the High Line to the Empire State Building, the Museum of Modern Art in midtown Manhattan, and getting around on Citi Bike, National Geographic guides you to the best known sights, and lesser known ones as well. Illustrated with 120 vivid photographs and 21 detailed, full-color maps, the guide includes a detailed introduction to New York`s history and culture and in-depth explorations of each of the city`s neighborhoods. Additional features include Insider Tips from National Geographic and local experts to favorite or little known sites and events, as well as dozens of sidebars highlighting experiences that allow the visitor to truly get inside the local culture, such as where to get the best farm-to-table food and the best place to shop for vinyl records in Manhattan. A hefty Travelwise section showcasing hand-picked hotels and restaurants rounds out this must-have book for anyone planning a trip to NYC.

Aimed at active travelers who want authentic, enriching, cultural experiences and expert advice from a trustworthy source, National Geographic Travelers provide ways for people to experience a place rather than just visit, and give the true feel of each destination not easily found online.

62132921 National Geographic Traveler: New York

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