
The Complete Photobook - Ronald Spillman

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1970
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Fotografija
Autor: Strani

Izdavač: Fountain Press, London
Povez: tvrd sa omotom
Broj strana: 191 + 56 sa fotografijama
Sadržaj priložen na slikama.
Veoma dobro očuvana.

THE COMPLETE PHOTOBOOK serves a dual purpose for the newcomer to photography. It is a complete elementary textbook and, at the same time, a handy reference work which will answer the thousand-and-one questions that the beginner has to ask.

Many topics - including developing, printing and enlarging - are discussed thoroughly but with a clarity of style which will ensure that the newcomer`s progress is free from problems and perplexities. But, true to its title, the Complete Photobook takes the reader on to explore, the fields of night-time photography, slide-making, effective composition, framing and mounting, and many other interesting and rewarding aspects of his pastime.


1. You and your camera
2. How a camera works
3 The equipment for the job
4. Films and filters
5. Correct exposure
6. Composition
7. Portraiture outdoors and indoors
8. Holiday photography
9. Pictorial photography
10. General subjects
11. Photographing animals
12. All the year round
13. Pictures at night
14. Flash photography
15. The fun of photography
16. Colour photography
17. Developing films
18. Printing and enlarging
19. The finishing touches


Lično preuzimanje u Kraljevu.
Troškove dostave plaća kupac.
Predmete ne šaljem u inostranstvo i ne šaljem pouzećem!!!

Predmet: 79919917
Izdavač: Fountain Press, London
Povez: tvrd sa omotom
Broj strana: 191 + 56 sa fotografijama
Sadržaj priložen na slikama.
Veoma dobro očuvana.

THE COMPLETE PHOTOBOOK serves a dual purpose for the newcomer to photography. It is a complete elementary textbook and, at the same time, a handy reference work which will answer the thousand-and-one questions that the beginner has to ask.

Many topics - including developing, printing and enlarging - are discussed thoroughly but with a clarity of style which will ensure that the newcomer`s progress is free from problems and perplexities. But, true to its title, the Complete Photobook takes the reader on to explore, the fields of night-time photography, slide-making, effective composition, framing and mounting, and many other interesting and rewarding aspects of his pastime.


1. You and your camera
2. How a camera works
3 The equipment for the job
4. Films and filters
5. Correct exposure
6. Composition
7. Portraiture outdoors and indoors
8. Holiday photography
9. Pictorial photography
10. General subjects
11. Photographing animals
12. All the year round
13. Pictures at night
14. Flash photography
15. The fun of photography
16. Colour photography
17. Developing films
18. Printing and enlarging
19. The finishing touches

79919917 The Complete Photobook - Ronald Spillman

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