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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Fotografija
Autor: Strani

k5 1

Izdavač: TASCHEN
Povez: tvrd
Broj strana: 280
Bogato ilustrovano.

From peek-a-boo panties to same-sex petting to more `indiscreet` activities, Stuart`s titillating mises-en-scene challenge us to break loose from traditional moral codes.

Those familiar with Stuart`s work will find this 4th volume on the cutting edge and pushing the barriers of erotic art in the same manner as were attempts at space exploration in breaking the sound barrier or taking the first setp on the Moon. It may particularly irritate, offend and infuriate those of the western cultures (Judeo-Christian) whose religious organizations` persuasions will allow many of them to be excessively troubled and deploring of Stuart`s brash, boldly explicit and colorful eroticizations. The interview by Dian is illuminative and should be read by readers & viewers of Stuarts`s `....Fourth Body` where the term fourth body does not indicate nor refer to volume #4, but references a sphere of centralian existence transcending carnal, natural body and mind to true consciousness (existentialism).

Stuart dislikes the artificiality of modern day glamour, erotic and overtly pornographic art which is devoted to and depicts women lacking bodily hair (pubo-axillary & extremities) and often sans eroticism as not better than wholesale pornography at its worst: he believies this can be attributed at least in part to a giving in to contrived societal pressures imposed by the bath and beauty establishment whose mission is to sell razors, chemicals and depilatory cremes, etc. People (woman) then become the objects depicted by advertisers and advertisements -- they are transformed into who the corporate world portrays they should be (its all about money).

i ne saljemo pouzecem clanovima bez ocena.

Svi predmeti se prodaju u stanju kao na slici.
Ako niste sigurni da Vam knjiga odgovara, pitajte za dodatni opis knjige PRE kupovine, i bice Vam odgovoreno u najkracem roku.

* Књиге су половне ,па може да се деси да има потпис или печат,ако вам то смета питајте пре куповине .

* Уколико дође до рекламације ,трошкове повратне поштарину сноси купац .

* Ако сте се одлучили за слање постекпресом,то ће вас коштати додатно 10-30 дин ,јер је постекпрес почео да наплаћује кесе.
* Нисам одговоран за оштећења настала у транспорту.
-куповином потрвђујете да се слажете са горе наведеним условима .

Predmet: 79879745
k5 1

Izdavač: TASCHEN
Povez: tvrd
Broj strana: 280
Bogato ilustrovano.

From peek-a-boo panties to same-sex petting to more `indiscreet` activities, Stuart`s titillating mises-en-scene challenge us to break loose from traditional moral codes.

Those familiar with Stuart`s work will find this 4th volume on the cutting edge and pushing the barriers of erotic art in the same manner as were attempts at space exploration in breaking the sound barrier or taking the first setp on the Moon. It may particularly irritate, offend and infuriate those of the western cultures (Judeo-Christian) whose religious organizations` persuasions will allow many of them to be excessively troubled and deploring of Stuart`s brash, boldly explicit and colorful eroticizations. The interview by Dian is illuminative and should be read by readers & viewers of Stuarts`s `....Fourth Body` where the term fourth body does not indicate nor refer to volume #4, but references a sphere of centralian existence transcending carnal, natural body and mind to true consciousness (existentialism).

Stuart dislikes the artificiality of modern day glamour, erotic and overtly pornographic art which is devoted to and depicts women lacking bodily hair (pubo-axillary & extremities) and often sans eroticism as not better than wholesale pornography at its worst: he believies this can be attributed at least in part to a giving in to contrived societal pressures imposed by the bath and beauty establishment whose mission is to sell razors, chemicals and depilatory cremes, etc. People (woman) then become the objects depicted by advertisers and advertisements -- they are transformed into who the corporate world portrays they should be (its all about money).
79879745 ROY STUART: The Fourth Body (TASCHEN)

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