
FASHION A History from the 18th to the 20th Century

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Grad: Beograd-Dobanovci,

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2015
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: moda
Autor: Strani

Pismo Latinica
Povez Tvrd
Godina 2015
Format 15x23
Strana 648

Autor: Akiko Fukai
Izdavač : TASCHEN
From the 18th century to today, the ultimate compendium of clothing
Clothes define people. A person s attire, whether it s a sari, kimono, or business suit, is an essential code to his or her culture, class, personality, even their faith. Founded in 1978, the Kyoto Costume Institute recognizes the importance of understanding clothes from sociological, historical, and artistic perspectives. Now holder of one of the world s most extensive clothing collections, the KCI has amassed a wide range of historical garments, underwear, shoes, and fashion accessories dating from the 18th century to the present day.
Showcasing the Institute s vast collection, Fashion History is a fascinating excursion through the last three centuries of clothing trends. Featuring impeccable photography of clothing expertly displayed and arranged on custom-made mannequins, it is a testimony to clothing as an essential manifestation of our very being and to the Instiute`s passion for fashion as a complex and intricate artform.


MARTOVSKA AKCIJA na sve knjige popust 20 %. Ako vas neka knjiiga zanima a da nema aktiviran popust molim vas da mi javite da aktiviram popust od 20 %, jer ako kupite po punoj ceni onda popust ne važi.

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Lično preuzimanje je od srede do petka u 17h u Delta Citiju na Novom Beogradu
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Predmet: 79068773
Pismo Latinica
Povez Tvrd
Godina 2015
Format 15x23
Strana 648

Autor: Akiko Fukai
Izdavač : TASCHEN
From the 18th century to today, the ultimate compendium of clothing
Clothes define people. A person s attire, whether it s a sari, kimono, or business suit, is an essential code to his or her culture, class, personality, even their faith. Founded in 1978, the Kyoto Costume Institute recognizes the importance of understanding clothes from sociological, historical, and artistic perspectives. Now holder of one of the world s most extensive clothing collections, the KCI has amassed a wide range of historical garments, underwear, shoes, and fashion accessories dating from the 18th century to the present day.
Showcasing the Institute s vast collection, Fashion History is a fascinating excursion through the last three centuries of clothing trends. Featuring impeccable photography of clothing expertly displayed and arranged on custom-made mannequins, it is a testimony to clothing as an essential manifestation of our very being and to the Instiute`s passion for fashion as a complex and intricate artform.

79068773 FASHION A History from the 18th to the 20th Century

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