
Ozzy Osbourne - Ordinary people - BIOGRAFIJA

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Grad: Beograd-Vračar,

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Muzika
Autor: Strani

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne - Ordinary People
Simon Schuster, UK, 2004.
Mek povez, 342 strane, ilustrovano.

Ordinary People: Our Story is a collaborative memoir of the Osbourne family, in collaboration with Todd Gold. It features interviews with Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Osbourne, both credited as co-authors, as well as their children Aimee Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, and Jack Osbourne.[1] It was published by Simon & Schuster in December 2003. The book details the family members` personal histories through anecdotes covering a variety of topics, including Ozzy and Sharon`s early lives and struggles, Jack and Kelly`s forays into the entertainment industry, and the success of The Osbournes.[2][3]

Reviews of the book were mixed, with most agreeing that Ozzy`s early life was the most interesting portion of the book. The Mirror described it as `lively, honest and good value.`[3] The Buffalo News called it `the epitome of a fans-only purchase.`[4]

tags: black sabbath, ozi ozborn, ozborni...

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Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne - Ordinary People
Simon Schuster, UK, 2004.
Mek povez, 342 strane, ilustrovano.

Ordinary People: Our Story is a collaborative memoir of the Osbourne family, in collaboration with Todd Gold. It features interviews with Ozzy Osbourne and Sharon Osbourne, both credited as co-authors, as well as their children Aimee Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, and Jack Osbourne.[1] It was published by Simon & Schuster in December 2003. The book details the family members` personal histories through anecdotes covering a variety of topics, including Ozzy and Sharon`s early lives and struggles, Jack and Kelly`s forays into the entertainment industry, and the success of The Osbournes.[2][3]

Reviews of the book were mixed, with most agreeing that Ozzy`s early life was the most interesting portion of the book. The Mirror described it as `lively, honest and good value.`[3] The Buffalo News called it `the epitome of a fans-only purchase.`[4]

tags: black sabbath, ozi ozborn, ozborni...

78168441 Ozzy Osbourne - Ordinary people - BIOGRAFIJA

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