
The Discreet Art of Luis Bunuel

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Isporuka: Post Express
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Grad: Beograd-Voždovac,

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Film
Autor: Strani

Osim znakova stajanja (male mrlje po obodu bloka) knjiga deluje nekorisceno. Kvalitetna, deblji papir.
288 str
Gwynne Edwards - The Discreet Art of Luis Buñuel: A Reading of His Films

Luis Bunjuel

Luis Brunel was one of the most startingly and controversal directors of world cinema. This study closely examines the major films right from the brilliant and scandalous Un Chien Andalou through the mature but equally damning late films like The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie and his last film That Obscure Object of Desire. Edwards places the films in context and documents their origin and recurring themes.

Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, pišite.

Slanje posle uplate na tekući račun.

Izbegavam da saljem kao preporucenu tiskovinu - (1) zato sto knjiga mora sa se umota u papir (i da se pohaba), ne moze u karton i (2) moze da putuje dugo.

CC posiljka - cena 200 din ali postar ne donosi kuci nego se mora u postu. CC koji se donosi na adresu je - 340 din a Postexpress je 350. Kada kupite samo mi napisite koje slanje vam odgovara.

Živim na Trošarini (Voždovac); ako bi vam odgovaralo lično preuzimanje, najbolje da svratite u moj kraj.

Predmet: 71177269
Osim znakova stajanja (male mrlje po obodu bloka) knjiga deluje nekorisceno. Kvalitetna, deblji papir.
288 str
Gwynne Edwards - The Discreet Art of Luis Buñuel: A Reading of His Films

Luis Bunjuel

Luis Brunel was one of the most startingly and controversal directors of world cinema. This study closely examines the major films right from the brilliant and scandalous Un Chien Andalou through the mature but equally damning late films like The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie and his last film That Obscure Object of Desire. Edwards places the films in context and documents their origin and recurring themes.
71177269 The Discreet Art of Luis Bunuel

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