
The Monastery of Saint Prohor of Pčinja (nova)

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Grad: Novi Beograd,
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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2020.
Autor: Domaći
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Istorija umetnosti

Manastir Sveti Prohor Pčinjski / priredio Nenad Makuljević

Beograd / Vranje 2020. Tvrd povez, engleski jezik, bogato ilustrovano, veliki format (31 cm), 332 strane.
Knjiga je nekorišćena (nova).

Svetlana Smolčić Makuljević: History of the monastery of Saint Prohor of Pčinja
Nenad Makuljević: The monastery of Saint Prohor of Pčinja since the restoration of the Patriarchate of Peć until the late 20th century
Jadranka Prolović: The architecture of the church complex from its foundation until the 16th century
Nenad Makuljević: The new katholikon of Saint Prohor of Pčinja
Jadranka Prolović: Fresco decoration of the katholikon of Saint Prohor of Pčinja between the 14th and the 16th/ 17th century
Ivana Ženarju: Wall painting of the church of Saint Prohor of Pčinja in the 19th and 20th centuries

Predmet: 66913709
Manastir Sveti Prohor Pčinjski / priredio Nenad Makuljević

Beograd / Vranje 2020. Tvrd povez, engleski jezik, bogato ilustrovano, veliki format (31 cm), 332 strane.
Knjiga je nekorišćena (nova).

Svetlana Smolčić Makuljević: History of the monastery of Saint Prohor of Pčinja
Nenad Makuljević: The monastery of Saint Prohor of Pčinja since the restoration of the Patriarchate of Peć until the late 20th century
Jadranka Prolović: The architecture of the church complex from its foundation until the 16th century
Nenad Makuljević: The new katholikon of Saint Prohor of Pčinja
Jadranka Prolović: Fresco decoration of the katholikon of Saint Prohor of Pčinja between the 14th and the 16th/ 17th century
Ivana Ženarju: Wall painting of the church of Saint Prohor of Pčinja in the 19th and 20th centuries

66913709 The Monastery of Saint Prohor of Pčinja (nova)

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