
King Palmer - The Piano (Teach Yourself)

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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Čukarica,

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Oblast: Muzika
Autor: Strani

King Palmer - The Piano (Teach Yourself)

Naucite da svirate klavir samostalno

Teach Yourself books, 1973. godine na 144. strane.

Knjiga je odlicno ocuvana.

Cedric King Palmer (13 February 1913 – 13 July 1999) was an English composer, conductor, author and teacher, best known for his popular educational books on music and as a prolific composer of orchestral library music.

In 1944 Palmer had published Teach Yourself Music, part of the extensive English University Press Teach Yourself series in their distinctive black and yellow jackets, with subjects ranging from salesmanship to jet-engines and rocket propulsion. Attempting such a broad subject in less than 200 pages was obviously a daunting task. The (anonymous) Musical Times reviewer stated that `whatever else you may teach yourself, it cannot be done with music` and expressed `a good deal of sympathy for a writer who was, as he doubtless well knew, up against it`. Teach Yourself to Compose Music, more narrowly focused on harmony, form and counterpoint as well as genres, followed in 1948. Teach Yourself to Play the Piano was published in 1957. The books lay out classical best practices clearly and simply, but ignore more modern developments altogether. Reviewing Teach Yourself Orchestration (1964) Geoffrey Bush pointed out that `Webern might never have existed`. His other books included The Musical Production – a complete guide for amateurs (with Cossar Turfery, 1953), and The ABC of Church Music (with Stephen Rhys, 1967).

Ako osoba nije iz Beograda, knjigu saljem postom kao preporucenu tiskovinu o trosak kupca. Slanje Post Express-om je takodje izvodljivo uz pristanak kupca na njihove uslove.Licno preuzimanje u centru uz dogovor.

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Zbog visoke cene provizije post expresa predlazem da prethodno uplatite novac na ziro racun, dok cu vam knjigu poslati post expresom kome cete platiti samo postarinu.

Postoji mogucnost smanjenja postarine, ali samo ako znate broj vase dostavne poste, U tom slucaju knjigu preuzimate direktno u posti, pa je zato jeftinije.

Predmet: 56939795
King Palmer - The Piano (Teach Yourself)

Naucite da svirate klavir samostalno

Teach Yourself books, 1973. godine na 144. strane.

Knjiga je odlicno ocuvana.

Cedric King Palmer (13 February 1913 – 13 July 1999) was an English composer, conductor, author and teacher, best known for his popular educational books on music and as a prolific composer of orchestral library music.

In 1944 Palmer had published Teach Yourself Music, part of the extensive English University Press Teach Yourself series in their distinctive black and yellow jackets, with subjects ranging from salesmanship to jet-engines and rocket propulsion. Attempting such a broad subject in less than 200 pages was obviously a daunting task. The (anonymous) Musical Times reviewer stated that `whatever else you may teach yourself, it cannot be done with music` and expressed `a good deal of sympathy for a writer who was, as he doubtless well knew, up against it`. Teach Yourself to Compose Music, more narrowly focused on harmony, form and counterpoint as well as genres, followed in 1948. Teach Yourself to Play the Piano was published in 1957. The books lay out classical best practices clearly and simply, but ignore more modern developments altogether. Reviewing Teach Yourself Orchestration (1964) Geoffrey Bush pointed out that `Webern might never have existed`. His other books included The Musical Production – a complete guide for amateurs (with Cossar Turfery, 1953), and The ABC of Church Music (with Stephen Rhys, 1967).
56939795 King Palmer - The Piano (Teach Yourself)

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