
A Time to Kill - John Grisham

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Stanje: Polovan sa vidljivim znacima korišćenja
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Post Express
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PostNet (pre slanja)
Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Palilula,

Arija (3505)

99,61% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 5583

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1972
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

The National Bestseller
The story takes place in the fictional town of Clanton, in the equally fictional Ford County, Mississippi. This setting is also featured in other John Grisham novels. A passage in The Chamber reveals that the events of A Time to Kill took place in 1984.[1]

Three of the characters, Jake Brigance, Harry Rex Vonner, and Lucien Wilbanks, later appear in two sequel novels, 2013`s Sycamore Row and 2020`s A Time for Mercy. Harry Rex Vonner and Lucien Wilbanks also appear in Grisham`s 2003 novel The Last Juror, which is set in Clanton in the 1970s. Harry Rex Vonner also appears in the 2002 Grisham novel, The Summons, and in the short story `Fish Files`, in the 2009 collection Ford County.
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Predmet: 77604833
The National Bestseller
The story takes place in the fictional town of Clanton, in the equally fictional Ford County, Mississippi. This setting is also featured in other John Grisham novels. A passage in The Chamber reveals that the events of A Time to Kill took place in 1984.[1]

Three of the characters, Jake Brigance, Harry Rex Vonner, and Lucien Wilbanks, later appear in two sequel novels, 2013`s Sycamore Row and 2020`s A Time for Mercy. Harry Rex Vonner and Lucien Wilbanks also appear in Grisham`s 2003 novel The Last Juror, which is set in Clanton in the 1970s. Harry Rex Vonner also appears in the 2002 Grisham novel, The Summons, and in the short story `Fish Files`, in the 2009 collection Ford County.
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Mek povez 515.strana
77604833 A Time to Kill - John Grisham

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