Cena: |
Stanje: | Polovan bez oštećenja |
Garancija: | Ne |
Isporuka: | Pošta Post Express Lično preuzimanje |
Plaćanje: | Tekući račun (pre slanja) Pouzećem Lično |
Grad: |
Beograd-Savski venac, Beograd-Savski venac |
ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2008
Oblast: Elektrotehnika
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Substation Structure Design Guide: Asce Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 113 (ASCE MANUAL AND REPORTS ON ENGINEERING PRACTICE)
Substation Structure Design Guide (ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 113), provides a comprehensive resource for the structural design of outdoor electrical substation structures. Prepared by the ASCE Subcommittee on the Design of Substation Structures, this new manual offers current recommendations developed by substation structure designers Utility engineers, structural and electrical engineers, and anyone that works in the field of transmission line substation design will benefit from this manual. Topics include: Electrical Equipment and Structure Types Loading Criteria for Substation Structures Deflection Criteria Methods of Analysis Design Connections to Foundations and Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
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