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Kupindo zaštita

Godina izdanja: 2019
ISBN: 9780500021422
Oblast: Arhitektura
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani



Izdavač - Thames & Hudson Ltd, London

Godina - 2019

272 strana

29x23 cm

ISBN - 9780500021422

Povez - Tvrd

Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja

Countryside and Forest
Hillside and Mountains
Waterside and Coast
Off-Grid Guide
Architecural Plans
Architects and Designers
Author Biography
Author Acknowledgments
Picture Credits

`Recent advances in technologies and home-generated renewable energy have made building away from urban and rural infrastructures more practical and affordable than ever. This survey of the world`s most innovative off-grid homes reveals the cuttingedge architecture and technology that is enabling us to escape to some of the most extraordinary natural environments on the planet.

All of the houses featured in this book are fully, or almost fully, self-sufficient in terms of energy, water and, in some cases, food. Architecture and interior design expert Dominic Bradbury reveals how each architect has made everyday living in these wild and natural settings a rewarding and tempting reality. From snowbound cabins in the far Northern Hemisphere to coastal retreats that can only be accessed by boat, the diverse projects collected here show the innovative ways in which architects and their clients are tackling extreme climates, remoteness and construction challenges to enable a new way of life that is both liberating and sustainable.

The imperative to reduce our carbon footprints and refocus on renewable sources of energy is having a profound impact on our domestic lives. This fascinating survey demonstrates that creative architecture, design and technology are redefining the possibilities for leading a truly rewarding and responsible lifestyle.`

Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku.

Arhitektura Arhitektonski Dizajn Enterijera Interior Design Kuća Kuće Abaton Arquitectura Agathom Alpine Cabin Apio Arquitectos Mary Arnold Forster D`entrecasteaux House French Island Framhouse Hill Plains House Permanent Camping Premaydena Shearers Quarters Jean Baptiste Barache Bolton Residence Modert Boutique Bridge Sudio Casey Brown Robert Coppice Buck Cabin Lyngen Alps Camp Baird House Limekiln Line Molls Cabin Roth House Casa Caldera Casa Todos Los Santos Casey Brown Architecture Cheshire Architects Casa Todos Los Santos Clear Lake It House Malcolm Davis Renee Del Gaudio Delin Arkitektkontor D`entrecasteaux House Dust Maison Barache French Island Farmhouse Jesse Garlick Glaing Gordon Ozarks Cabin Green Roofs Cade Hayes Outside House Hawaii Henning Larsen Architects Hill Plains House House Extermadura House Husaro Vigsnaes Jarmund Jean Arch John Wardle Josefvatnet Wendy Joseph Lai Cheong Brown Land House Malcolm Davis Midland Misho Associates Naturehumaine Eyrie Cabins Retreat Omas Olson Jundig Passivhaus Premaydena Rabot Cabin Renee Del Gaudio Ryall Sheridan Saunders Scotasay David Scott Susan Shearers Quarters Sky Hut Spain Stinessen Arkitektur Joseph Studio Moffitt Sweden Taalman Adam Thom Bucks Coppice Waind Gohil Potter Watershed Wolveridge Wood Burning Stoves

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Besplatna dostava na knjigama koje su obeležene tako se odnosi samo na slanje preporučenom tiskovinom.

Predmet: 71075377


Izdavač - Thames & Hudson Ltd, London

Godina - 2019

272 strana

29x23 cm

ISBN - 9780500021422

Povez - Tvrd

Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja

Countryside and Forest
Hillside and Mountains
Waterside and Coast
Off-Grid Guide
Architecural Plans
Architects and Designers
Author Biography
Author Acknowledgments
Picture Credits

`Recent advances in technologies and home-generated renewable energy have made building away from urban and rural infrastructures more practical and affordable than ever. This survey of the world`s most innovative off-grid homes reveals the cuttingedge architecture and technology that is enabling us to escape to some of the most extraordinary natural environments on the planet.

All of the houses featured in this book are fully, or almost fully, self-sufficient in terms of energy, water and, in some cases, food. Architecture and interior design expert Dominic Bradbury reveals how each architect has made everyday living in these wild and natural settings a rewarding and tempting reality. From snowbound cabins in the far Northern Hemisphere to coastal retreats that can only be accessed by boat, the diverse projects collected here show the innovative ways in which architects and their clients are tackling extreme climates, remoteness and construction challenges to enable a new way of life that is both liberating and sustainable.

The imperative to reduce our carbon footprints and refocus on renewable sources of energy is having a profound impact on our domestic lives. This fascinating survey demonstrates that creative architecture, design and technology are redefining the possibilities for leading a truly rewarding and responsible lifestyle.`

Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku.

Arhitektura Arhitektonski Dizajn Enterijera Interior Design Kuća Kuće Abaton Arquitectura Agathom Alpine Cabin Apio Arquitectos Mary Arnold Forster D`entrecasteaux House French Island Framhouse Hill Plains House Permanent Camping Premaydena Shearers Quarters Jean Baptiste Barache Bolton Residence Modert Boutique Bridge Sudio Casey Brown Robert Coppice Buck Cabin Lyngen Alps Camp Baird House Limekiln Line Molls Cabin Roth House Casa Caldera Casa Todos Los Santos Casey Brown Architecture Cheshire Architects Casa Todos Los Santos Clear Lake It House Malcolm Davis Renee Del Gaudio Delin Arkitektkontor D`entrecasteaux House Dust Maison Barache French Island Farmhouse Jesse Garlick Glaing Gordon Ozarks Cabin Green Roofs Cade Hayes Outside House Hawaii Henning Larsen Architects Hill Plains House House Extermadura House Husaro Vigsnaes Jarmund Jean Arch John Wardle Josefvatnet Wendy Joseph Lai Cheong Brown Land House Malcolm Davis Midland Misho Associates Naturehumaine Eyrie Cabins Retreat Omas Olson Jundig Passivhaus Premaydena Rabot Cabin Renee Del Gaudio Ryall Sheridan Saunders Scotasay David Scott Susan Shearers Quarters Sky Hut Spain Stinessen Arkitektur Joseph Studio Moffitt Sweden Taalman Adam Thom Bucks Coppice Waind Gohil Potter Watershed Wolveridge Wood Burning Stoves

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