
Max Weber and Karl Marx - Karl Lowith

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju

Max Weber and Karl Marx. 1982, 112 p.,
Language English

Sociology / History, theory and methodology / History and organization of sociology / History and present state

This is a key text in modern interpretations of alienation in Marxist theory and rationalization in Weber`s sociology. It remains the best student introduction to the differences and comparisons between these two essential thinkers.

Karl Lowith`s essay on Weber and Marx has long been recognised as a classic study and is frequently referred to. Up to now, however, there has been no English translation available for students of social thought and the history of sociology.

The essay’s principal theme is that both Weber and Marx were critics of the culture of capitalism, one describing its development in terms of ‘rationalisation’, the other, in terms of ‘alienation’.

For publication within the Controversies in Sociology series, Tom Bottomore and William Outhwaite have prepared a special Introduction which discusses the general features of Lowith’s work and points to some of its limitations. In addition, they have added notes and bibliographical information where these seemed likely to be helpful.

Karl Lowith (1897-1973) was the son of a Munich artist and studied philosophy and biology in Munich, Freiburg and Marburg. He began his teaching career in 1928 as a Privatdozent in Marburg, working under Heidegger, but was forced to leave in 1934. After two years in Rome he held a chair at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan from 1936 to 1941. In 1941 he moved to the Theological Seminary at Hartford, Connecticut and, in 1949, to the New School for Social Research, New York. In 1952 he returned to Germany as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg, where he remained until his retirement. His best-known work, From Hegel to Nietzsche, was published in Zurich in 1941 and in an English translation in 1964. Other works available in English are Meaning in History (Chicago 1949) and Nature, History and Existentialism and Other Essays in the Philosophy of History (Evanston, III. 1966). A short but important book which has not yet been translated into English is Heidegger: Denkerin durftigerZeit (Frankfurt 1953).

Tom Bottomore is Professor of Sociology and William Outhwaite is Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Sussex.


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U dobrom stanju

Max Weber and Karl Marx. 1982, 112 p.,
Language English

Sociology / History, theory and methodology / History and organization of sociology / History and present state

This is a key text in modern interpretations of alienation in Marxist theory and rationalization in Weber`s sociology. It remains the best student introduction to the differences and comparisons between these two essential thinkers.

Karl Lowith`s essay on Weber and Marx has long been recognised as a classic study and is frequently referred to. Up to now, however, there has been no English translation available for students of social thought and the history of sociology.

The essay’s principal theme is that both Weber and Marx were critics of the culture of capitalism, one describing its development in terms of ‘rationalisation’, the other, in terms of ‘alienation’.

For publication within the Controversies in Sociology series, Tom Bottomore and William Outhwaite have prepared a special Introduction which discusses the general features of Lowith’s work and points to some of its limitations. In addition, they have added notes and bibliographical information where these seemed likely to be helpful.

Karl Lowith (1897-1973) was the son of a Munich artist and studied philosophy and biology in Munich, Freiburg and Marburg. He began his teaching career in 1928 as a Privatdozent in Marburg, working under Heidegger, but was forced to leave in 1934. After two years in Rome he held a chair at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan from 1936 to 1941. In 1941 he moved to the Theological Seminary at Hartford, Connecticut and, in 1949, to the New School for Social Research, New York. In 1952 he returned to Germany as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg, where he remained until his retirement. His best-known work, From Hegel to Nietzsche, was published in Zurich in 1941 and in an English translation in 1964. Other works available in English are Meaning in History (Chicago 1949) and Nature, History and Existentialism and Other Essays in the Philosophy of History (Evanston, III. 1966). A short but important book which has not yet been translated into English is Heidegger: Denkerin durftigerZeit (Frankfurt 1953).

Tom Bottomore is Professor of Sociology and William Outhwaite is Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Sussex.
79107529 Max Weber and Karl Marx - Karl Lowith

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