
David Graham Cooper - The Grammar of Living

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Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
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Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Čukarica,

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Pozitivne: 3771

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

David Graham Cooper - The Grammar of Living

Pelican books, 1976. godine na 151. strani.

Knjiga je odlicno ocuvana.

Aphoristic, intelligent, intolerant and extreme, The Grammar of Living continues David Cooper`s struggle to cauterize the repressions of bourgeois society and to liberate the individual from the restraints that prevent him from developing honest and understanding relations with his fellow beings. He attacks directly and without compromise the depersonalizing `safeguards` imposed by modern society, and by the attitudes of conventional psychiatry in particular. In the fight for liberation he demands that we should employ all the techniques that lie to hand - anti-psychiatry, hallucinogenic drugs, sexual experimentation - in order to break the moulds that form our envious and hate-ridden society and to build a new world founded on Love and Understanding.

Ako osoba nije iz Beograda, knjigu saljem postom kao preporucenu tiskovinu o trosak kupca. Slanje Post Express-om je takodje izvodljivo uz pristanak kupca na njihove uslove.Licno preuzimanje u centru uz dogovor.

Ne saljem van Srbije.

Zbog visoke cene provizije post expresa predlazem da prethodno uplatite novac na ziro racun, dok cu vam knjigu poslati post expresom kome cete platiti samo postarinu.

Predmet: 58953499
David Graham Cooper - The Grammar of Living

Pelican books, 1976. godine na 151. strani.

Knjiga je odlicno ocuvana.

Aphoristic, intelligent, intolerant and extreme, The Grammar of Living continues David Cooper`s struggle to cauterize the repressions of bourgeois society and to liberate the individual from the restraints that prevent him from developing honest and understanding relations with his fellow beings. He attacks directly and without compromise the depersonalizing `safeguards` imposed by modern society, and by the attitudes of conventional psychiatry in particular. In the fight for liberation he demands that we should employ all the techniques that lie to hand - anti-psychiatry, hallucinogenic drugs, sexual experimentation - in order to break the moulds that form our envious and hate-ridden society and to build a new world founded on Love and Understanding.
58953499 David Graham Cooper - The Grammar of Living

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