
WORK capitalism economics resistance

1.290 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 2
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Organizovani transport: 120 din
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
PostNet (pre slanja)
Grad: Smederevska Palanka,
Smederevska Palanka

StefanijaK (14651)

Član je postao Premium jer:
- ima 100 jedinstvenih pozitivnih ocena od kupaca,
- tokom perioda od 6 meseci uplati minimum 20.000 dinara na svoj Limundo račun.

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Pozitivne: 25809

  Pošalji poruku

Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Godina izdanja: xxxx

Manji format, 374 strane.

Lepo očuvana knjiga.

The most far reaching, mature, and ambitious work from the CrimethInc Collective, this is a dissection of the dynamics that make up the economy and necessitate work. Suspicious of the experts who get their credentials to make `proper` analysis, this book is the effort of people who`ve spent years in pitched struggle against capitalism. Unlike earlier CrimethInc works, less emphasis is placed on poetic pleas to drop out, instead focusing on serious examinations of the role we play in furthering systematic oppression, and how we might resist this complicity. It`s a diagnostic exam led by those who haven`t stood to benefit from sweeping these problems under the rug and are ready to do something about it. You can respond and make change with tools like this damning expose.

Lično preuzimanje je u Smederevskoj Palanci.

Sva komunikacija se obavlja putem Kupindo poruka.

Pod `organizovanim transportom` smatram preporučenu tiskovinu ili paket (kada su kompleti i teže knjige).

Običnu tiskovinu ne šaljem jer nemam dokaz o slanju.

Novi cenovnik Pošte za preporučenu tiskovinu:

- 100g - 250g - 190 dinara
- 250g - 500g - 210 dinara
- 500g - 1kg - 230 dinara
- 1kg - 2kg - 270 dinara

Molim kupce iz inostranstva da me pre kupovine kontaktiraju porukom kako bismo se dogovorili oko uslova uplaćivanja i slanja.

Besplatna poštarina se ne odnosi na slanje u inostranstvo.

Pogledajte i ponudu na:

Ukoliko i tamo nešto pronađete, platićete preko istog računa i uštedeti na poštarini.

Predmet: 57768511
Manji format, 374 strane.

Lepo očuvana knjiga.

The most far reaching, mature, and ambitious work from the CrimethInc Collective, this is a dissection of the dynamics that make up the economy and necessitate work. Suspicious of the experts who get their credentials to make `proper` analysis, this book is the effort of people who`ve spent years in pitched struggle against capitalism. Unlike earlier CrimethInc works, less emphasis is placed on poetic pleas to drop out, instead focusing on serious examinations of the role we play in furthering systematic oppression, and how we might resist this complicity. It`s a diagnostic exam led by those who haven`t stood to benefit from sweeping these problems under the rug and are ready to do something about it. You can respond and make change with tools like this damning expose.
57768511 WORK capitalism economics resistance

LimundoGrad koristi kolačiće u statističke i marketinške svrhe. Nastavkom korišćenja sajta smatramo da ste pristali na upotrebu kolačića. Više informacija.