
The Bridge on the Drina

1.276 din
Stanje: Novo
Isporuka: DExpress
Plaćanje: Pouzećem
Prodavac Pravno lice

Dereta_knjige (101)

92,31% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 116

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The committee that awarded the Nobel prize for literature to Ivo Andrić in 1961 cited the epic force of The Bridge on the Drina, first published in Serbo-Croat in 1945, as justification for its award. The award was indeed justified if, as I believe, The Bridge on the Drina is one of the most perceptive, resonant, and well-wrought works of fiction written in the twentieth century.No better introduction to the study of Balkan and Ottoman history exists, nor do I know of any work of fiction that more persuasively introduces the reader to a civilization other than our own. It is an intellectual and emo­tional adventure to encounter the Ottoman world through Andrić’s pages in its grandoise beginning and at its tottering finale. Every episode rings true, from the role of terror in fastening the Turkish power firmly on the land to the role of an Austrian army whorehouse in corrupting the old ways. No anthropologist has ever reported the processes of cultural...


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Cena dostave je 390 dinara, a isporuka je u roku od 2 radna dana.
Porudžbine sa Kupinda ne isporučujemo u inostranstvo.

Predmet: 57991583
The committee that awarded the Nobel prize for literature to Ivo Andrić in 1961 cited the epic force of The Bridge on the Drina, first published in Serbo-Croat in 1945, as justification for its award. The award was indeed justified if, as I believe, The Bridge on the Drina is one of the most perceptive, resonant, and well-wrought works of fiction written in the twentieth century.No better introduction to the study of Balkan and Ottoman history exists, nor do I know of any work of fiction that more persuasively introduces the reader to a civilization other than our own. It is an intellectual and emo­tional adventure to encounter the Ottoman world through Andrić’s pages in its grandoise beginning and at its tottering finale. Every episode rings true, from the role of terror in fastening the Turkish power firmly on the land to the role of an Austrian army whorehouse in corrupting the old ways. No anthropologist has ever reported the processes of cultural...
57991583 The Bridge on the Drina

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