Pisac „Hazarskog rečnika" još jednom je iznašao za vas novu, dosad neviđenu književnu igru: ROMAN-DELTU! To je jedan ljubavni roman protkan detektivskom pričom koja se grana u sto rukavaca i vodi vas ka sto različitih ishodišta. Svaki čitalac bira svoju ličnu verziju romana i svoj posebni svršetak priče. Imaćete UNIKAT! ***The author of ″Dictionary of the Khazars″ has once again found a new, as yet unseen form of literary play for you: a tale of love and detective ″multi-ending″ story that diverges into one hundred branches. Every reader chooses his personal version of the novel, and his own ending to the tale. You have a UNIQUE ITEM!