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Kupindo zaštita

Godina izdanja: 2004
ISBN: 953-6932-13-X
Jezik: Hrvatski
Autor: Strani



Prevod - Ita Kovač

Izdavač - Ceres, Zagreb

Godina - 2004

200 strana

20 cm

Edicija - Ceres

ISBN - 953-6932-13-X

Povez - Broširan

Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja

`Madeleine Barthelemey is pregnant with twins. On the advice of her doctor, she decides to undertake their education in utero. Nine months later, Celine is born - a daughter whose cleverness and erudition vanish the moment she enters the world. Witnessing the fate of his once-brilliant and now dull-witted sister, the urbane, well-educated, but also conniving Louis rejects birth altogether and embarks on a campaign of prenatal rebellion. His mother tries to starve him out; he retaliates by attacking her internal organs. Guerrilla warfare is thereafter carried out between mother and son, and in the process Louis`s fetal crusade becomes a cause celebre - he soon emerges as the first neonate to become both a cult figure and a powerful media icon, eventually demanding, and receiving, an audience with God.`

Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku.

Paskal Brikner The Divine Child

Lično preuzimanje je moguće na 2 načina:

1. Svakog dana, bilo kad, na mojoj adresi sa Limunda/Kupinda.

2. Svakog radnog dana posle 15h na Zelenom vencu ili Trgu republike.

Šaljem u inostranstvo, primam uplate preko servisao kao što su Pay Pal, RIA, Western Union (otvoren sam i za druge mogućnosti, javite se pre kupovine i dogovorićemo se).

Kao način slanja stavio sam samo Poštu i Postexpress jer sam s njima najviše sarađivao i vrlo sam zadovoljan, ali na Vaš zahtev mogu da šaljem i drugim službama.

Besplatna dostava na knjigama koje su obeležene tako se odnosi samo na slanje preporučenom tiskovinom.

Predmet: 70910341


Prevod - Ita Kovač

Izdavač - Ceres, Zagreb

Godina - 2004

200 strana

20 cm

Edicija - Ceres

ISBN - 953-6932-13-X

Povez - Broširan

Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja

`Madeleine Barthelemey is pregnant with twins. On the advice of her doctor, she decides to undertake their education in utero. Nine months later, Celine is born - a daughter whose cleverness and erudition vanish the moment she enters the world. Witnessing the fate of his once-brilliant and now dull-witted sister, the urbane, well-educated, but also conniving Louis rejects birth altogether and embarks on a campaign of prenatal rebellion. His mother tries to starve him out; he retaliates by attacking her internal organs. Guerrilla warfare is thereafter carried out between mother and son, and in the process Louis`s fetal crusade becomes a cause celebre - he soon emerges as the first neonate to become both a cult figure and a powerful media icon, eventually demanding, and receiving, an audience with God.`

Ako Vas nešto zanima, slobodno pošaljite poruku.

Paskal Brikner The Divine Child

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