
Cracking the GRE + DVD/ 2009

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: ccc
Jezik: Engleski
Tip: Jednojezični
Vrsta: Opšti
Autor: Strani

Cracking the GRE
veliki format
mek povez
sadrži dvd
435 strana
na nekoliko stranica ima obeležavanja hemijskom, dobro stanje

Cracking the GRE brings you proven techniques from the test prep experts! The 2009 edition includes over 300 practice questions and exclusive free access to practice exams and further review online. In Cracking the GRE, we`ll teach you how to think like the test writers and

·Solve analogies even when you don`t know the meanings of all the words in the problem
·Crack even the most complex algebra problems by plugging in numbers in place of variables
·Understand the nature of computer-adaptive tests and use that knowledge to your advantage
·Master even the toughest problems in the Verbal and Quantitative sections

We give you plenty of practice problems to help you master our proven techniques. In addition, you can access 2 full-length GRE practice tests online. Our practice questions are just like those you`ll see on the real GRE--but with detailed answers and explanations for every question.

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1. Popust NE VAZI za knjige čija je pojedinačna cena preko 490 dinara i ne važi za komplete knjiga
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- kao preporucene tiskovine - ne šaljemo kao obične tiskovine
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- post expresom Plaćanje POUZEĆEM znači da šaljemo POST EXPRESOM (NE ŠALJEMO CC paket pouzećem)
- Ako šaljemo pošiljku na adresu firme post expres insistira na nazivu firme koji se piše u napomeni
Postoji mogućnost da nema opcije post expresa:
- ako kupac ima negativne ocene
- u specifičnim slučajevima ako zaključimo da kupac nije pouzdan - nepostojeći broj telefona, knjiga mora stići u određenom roku zbog putovanja i sl.
Ne šaljemo knjige u inostranstvo tj izvan Srbije

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Predmet: 55241243
Cracking the GRE
veliki format
mek povez
sadrži dvd
435 strana
na nekoliko stranica ima obeležavanja hemijskom, dobro stanje

Cracking the GRE brings you proven techniques from the test prep experts! The 2009 edition includes over 300 practice questions and exclusive free access to practice exams and further review online. In Cracking the GRE, we`ll teach you how to think like the test writers and

·Solve analogies even when you don`t know the meanings of all the words in the problem
·Crack even the most complex algebra problems by plugging in numbers in place of variables
·Understand the nature of computer-adaptive tests and use that knowledge to your advantage
·Master even the toughest problems in the Verbal and Quantitative sections

We give you plenty of practice problems to help you master our proven techniques. In addition, you can access 2 full-length GRE practice tests online. Our practice questions are just like those you`ll see on the real GRE--but with detailed answers and explanations for every question.
55241243 Cracking the GRE + DVD/ 2009

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