
Victims of the biedermeier - Radivoj Šajtinac

699 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Sremčica,

AnaTeodora (1964)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 3669

  Pošalji poruku

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Kupindo zaštita

ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2012
Autor: Domaći
Jezik: Engleski

Victims of the biedermeier - Radivoj Šajtinac

Povez: broširan
Broj strana:148
Stanje: knjiga je nova

The protagonist of Victims of the Biedermeier, Vukašin Pomorišac, a sickly, elderly archivist, engages in a search for the paintings of Konstantin Danil, a renowned painter of the Serbian Biedermeier style. His wanderings around the nineteenth century are a way for him to escape from getting in touch with others and with his own life. In meticulously written meta-narrative work, the author explores the nature of creation and of the inability to face omnipresent failure in achieving the imagined. Only after the days of his life on earth pass does Danil realize that the ornaments and the decorative elements of his paintings seem empty to him, inapt to convey the truth of his vision. The different narrative voices of the novel, floating between the past and the present, life and death, here and there, merge into one in an incessant game of creation.

Prikaz knjige možete da pročitate ukoliko drugu sliku uvećate do pune veličine. /

Molim kupce da komunikacija bude isključivo preko limundo i kupindo poruka. Osim kada se preko kupindo/limundo poruka dogovorimo za lično nalaženje.

Svako ko ima neko pitanje ili nedoumicu vezano za premdet iz moje ponude ili za obavljanje kupoprodaje može slobodno da pita,
sigurno odgovaram.

Kupac bira način saradnje i slanja jer snosi troškove poštarine.
Kad je besplatna dostava u pitanju, šaljem preporučenom tiskovinom.

Lično nalaženje na adresi koju dobijete od Kupinda. Moguće je naći se u centru Beograda.

U slučaju bilo kakvog nesporazuma, apsolutno je moguć dogovor oko rešavanja istog u okviru pravila Limunda/Kućpinda

Predmet: 75591605
Victims of the biedermeier - Radivoj Šajtinac

Povez: broširan
Broj strana:148
Stanje: knjiga je nova

The protagonist of Victims of the Biedermeier, Vukašin Pomorišac, a sickly, elderly archivist, engages in a search for the paintings of Konstantin Danil, a renowned painter of the Serbian Biedermeier style. His wanderings around the nineteenth century are a way for him to escape from getting in touch with others and with his own life. In meticulously written meta-narrative work, the author explores the nature of creation and of the inability to face omnipresent failure in achieving the imagined. Only after the days of his life on earth pass does Danil realize that the ornaments and the decorative elements of his paintings seem empty to him, inapt to convey the truth of his vision. The different narrative voices of the novel, floating between the past and the present, life and death, here and there, merge into one in an incessant game of creation.
75591605 Victims of the biedermeier - Radivoj Šajtinac

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