
Character Strengths and Virtues - Peterson, Seligman

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2004
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

odlično stanje

Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification

Christopher Peterson, Martin Seligman

American Psychological Association / Oxford University Press; 1 edition (2004)

`Character` has become a front-and-center topic in contemporary discourse, but this term does not have a fixed meaning. Character may be simply defined by what someone does not do, but a more active and thorough definition is necessary, one that addresses certain vital questions. Is character a singular characteristic of an individual, or is it composed of different aspects? Does character--however we define it--exist in degrees, or is it simply something one happens to have? How can character be developed? Can it be learned? Relatedly, can it be taught, and who might be the most effective teacher? What roles are played by family, schools, the media, religion, and the larger culture? This groundbreaking handbook of character strengths and virtues is the first progress report from a prestigious group of researchers who have undertaken the systematic classification and measurement of widely valued positive traits. They approach good character in terms of separate strengths-authenticity, persistence, kindness, gratitude, hope, humor, and so on-each of which exists in degrees.

Character Strengths and Virtues classifies twenty-four specific strengths under six broad virtues that consistently emerge across history and culture: wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Each strength is thoroughly examined in its own chapter, with special attention to its meaning, explanation, measurement, causes, correlates, consequences, and development across the life span, as well as to strategies for its deliberate cultivation. This book demands the attention of anyone interested in psychology and what it can teach about the good life.”

“One of the most important initiatives in psychology of the past half century.”
- Howard Gardner, Bestselling scientist/author on books relating to Multiple Intelligences, Harvard Graduate School of Education

The groundbreaking book, Character Strengths and Virtues, championed by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, describes the VIA Classification of character strengths and virtues. The book outlines the results of a 3-year project led by Peterson and Seligman involving 55 distinguished social scientists. From Aristotle and Plato to the major world religions, to other great thinkers and philosophers spanning the last 2,500 years, this work represents the most significant effort in history to review, assemble, research, and classify positive strengths/traits in human beings. The result is a “common language” (scientifically speaking, a “consensual nomenclature”) for understanding and discussing these core capacities in human beings.

Character Strengths and Virtues is regarded as the backbone of the science of positive psychology and remains one of the most substantive efforts generated by the field. In turn, it draws interest from a wide range of professions and disciplines – education, management, consulting, psychology, coaching, and many others.

Character Strengths and Virtues is descriptive, not prescriptive. The emphasis is on classifying psychological ingredients of goodness in human beings across cultures, nations, and beliefs, rather than prescribing what humans “should” do to be good or improve themselves. Whereas the Periodic Table of Elements is a classification of elements on a microscopic level, the VIA Classification is a classification of positive traits in people. Strengths such as curiosity, kindness, bravery, perseverance, hope, gratitude, teamwork, humility, and fairness are part of this framework.

Each of these 24 character strengths is thoroughly reviewed in terms of what is known. These areas include:
• Paragon in history exemplifying the strength
• Consensual definition, based on the research literature
• Theoretical traditions
• Assessment measures
• Correlates and consequences of the strength
• Development of the strength
• Enabling and inhibiting factors
• Cross-cultural aspects of the strength
• Deliberate interventions involving the strength
• Whether or not the strength meets each of 10 character strengths criteria – how, why, why not.
• What is not known about the strength
• Articles, books, and references for the strength

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Predmet: 52437029
odlično stanje

Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification

Christopher Peterson, Martin Seligman

American Psychological Association / Oxford University Press; 1 edition (2004)

`Character` has become a front-and-center topic in contemporary discourse, but this term does not have a fixed meaning. Character may be simply defined by what someone does not do, but a more active and thorough definition is necessary, one that addresses certain vital questions. Is character a singular characteristic of an individual, or is it composed of different aspects? Does character--however we define it--exist in degrees, or is it simply something one happens to have? How can character be developed? Can it be learned? Relatedly, can it be taught, and who might be the most effective teacher? What roles are played by family, schools, the media, religion, and the larger culture? This groundbreaking handbook of character strengths and virtues is the first progress report from a prestigious group of researchers who have undertaken the systematic classification and measurement of widely valued positive traits. They approach good character in terms of separate strengths-authenticity, persistence, kindness, gratitude, hope, humor, and so on-each of which exists in degrees.

Character Strengths and Virtues classifies twenty-four specific strengths under six broad virtues that consistently emerge across history and culture: wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Each strength is thoroughly examined in its own chapter, with special attention to its meaning, explanation, measurement, causes, correlates, consequences, and development across the life span, as well as to strategies for its deliberate cultivation. This book demands the attention of anyone interested in psychology and what it can teach about the good life.”

“One of the most important initiatives in psychology of the past half century.”
- Howard Gardner, Bestselling scientist/author on books relating to Multiple Intelligences, Harvard Graduate School of Education

The groundbreaking book, Character Strengths and Virtues, championed by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, describes the VIA Classification of character strengths and virtues. The book outlines the results of a 3-year project led by Peterson and Seligman involving 55 distinguished social scientists. From Aristotle and Plato to the major world religions, to other great thinkers and philosophers spanning the last 2,500 years, this work represents the most significant effort in history to review, assemble, research, and classify positive strengths/traits in human beings. The result is a “common language” (scientifically speaking, a “consensual nomenclature”) for understanding and discussing these core capacities in human beings.

Character Strengths and Virtues is regarded as the backbone of the science of positive psychology and remains one of the most substantive efforts generated by the field. In turn, it draws interest from a wide range of professions and disciplines – education, management, consulting, psychology, coaching, and many others.

Character Strengths and Virtues is descriptive, not prescriptive. The emphasis is on classifying psychological ingredients of goodness in human beings across cultures, nations, and beliefs, rather than prescribing what humans “should” do to be good or improve themselves. Whereas the Periodic Table of Elements is a classification of elements on a microscopic level, the VIA Classification is a classification of positive traits in people. Strengths such as curiosity, kindness, bravery, perseverance, hope, gratitude, teamwork, humility, and fairness are part of this framework.

Each of these 24 character strengths is thoroughly reviewed in terms of what is known. These areas include:
• Paragon in history exemplifying the strength
• Consensual definition, based on the research literature
• Theoretical traditions
• Assessment measures
• Correlates and consequences of the strength
• Development of the strength
• Enabling and inhibiting factors
• Cross-cultural aspects of the strength
• Deliberate interventions involving the strength
• Whether or not the strength meets each of 10 character strengths criteria – how, why, why not.
• What is not known about the strength
• Articles, books, and references for the strength

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52437029 Character Strengths and Virtues - Peterson, Seligman

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