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ISBN: 0-471-52267-8
Godina izdanja: 1991
Oblast: Astronomija
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Michael Zeilik

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
New York-Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto-Singapore, 1991.

tvrd povez
568 strana
28 cm

Designed to provide readers with an enriched sense of the astronomical world, this edition continues to explain how astronomers think about the cosmos and describes the full range of the astronomical universe. Retaining the structure of previous editions, it is divided into four coherent parts including: the changing conceptions of the cosmos; the planets, both past and present; the universe of stars; the galaxies and cosmic evolution. Innovations in this edition include: revised artwork, consistent symbolism, a runnning glossary of selected terms placed within the margins, the use of four-color photography/printing, the inclusion of the latest findings and theories concerning our planet, our galaxy and the universe.

Book Description:
This highly illustrated textbook for a one-semester introduction to astronomy describes the full range of the astronomical universe and how astronomers think about the cosmos. This ninth edition is more streamlined than earlier editions, presenting only that material needed by students. Each topic is presented in a patient, engaging manner, and includes the lastest astronomical research.

`A slick introductory textbook that vaguely resembles a really thick Discover magazine. Zeilik...presents each topic in a patient, engaging manner, and even includes some material from his research on astronomy in the historic and prehistoric Pueblo world.` Book News

`This is an ideal reference book which can be used in conjunction with lecture material.` Astronomy & Space

`The science is accurate and presented in a logical sequence, with concepts stressed more than vocabulary. The photos and figures have been thoughtfully selected and generously sized, and the prose is written in an engagingly colloquial style.... The text continually explains the significance of what the reader is studying.... anyone seeking a good descriptive overview of astronomy at the dawn of the 21st century should certainly consider using this excellent book.` Science Books and Films

`...provides a clearly written introduction to astronomy for undergraduates or interested novices. It is recommended for undergraduate science collections, as well as public libraries providing continuing education resourcesin the sciences.` E-Streams

GRATIS POŠTARINA za kupljenu robu u vrednosti preko 5.000 dinara!

NAPOMENA: Robu šaljem isključivo posle uplate. Troškove dostave plaća kupac!
Kurirska služba koju koristim za slanje robe je PostExpress, ili ukoliko je predmet štampana stvar (knjiga, časopis, strip i sl.), šaljem kao preporučena tiskovina zbog manjih troškova slanja, pri čemu troškove poštarine plaćate unapred!

Predmet: 78292477
Michael Zeilik

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
New York-Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto-Singapore, 1991.

tvrd povez
568 strana
28 cm

Designed to provide readers with an enriched sense of the astronomical world, this edition continues to explain how astronomers think about the cosmos and describes the full range of the astronomical universe. Retaining the structure of previous editions, it is divided into four coherent parts including: the changing conceptions of the cosmos; the planets, both past and present; the universe of stars; the galaxies and cosmic evolution. Innovations in this edition include: revised artwork, consistent symbolism, a runnning glossary of selected terms placed within the margins, the use of four-color photography/printing, the inclusion of the latest findings and theories concerning our planet, our galaxy and the universe.

Book Description:
This highly illustrated textbook for a one-semester introduction to astronomy describes the full range of the astronomical universe and how astronomers think about the cosmos. This ninth edition is more streamlined than earlier editions, presenting only that material needed by students. Each topic is presented in a patient, engaging manner, and includes the lastest astronomical research.

`A slick introductory textbook that vaguely resembles a really thick Discover magazine. Zeilik...presents each topic in a patient, engaging manner, and even includes some material from his research on astronomy in the historic and prehistoric Pueblo world.` Book News

`This is an ideal reference book which can be used in conjunction with lecture material.` Astronomy & Space

`The science is accurate and presented in a logical sequence, with concepts stressed more than vocabulary. The photos and figures have been thoughtfully selected and generously sized, and the prose is written in an engagingly colloquial style.... The text continually explains the significance of what the reader is studying.... anyone seeking a good descriptive overview of astronomy at the dawn of the 21st century should certainly consider using this excellent book.` Science Books and Films

`...provides a clearly written introduction to astronomy for undergraduates or interested novices. It is recommended for undergraduate science collections, as well as public libraries providing continuing education resourcesin the sciences.` E-Streams

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