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Želi ovaj predmet: | 1 |
Stanje: | Polovan bez oštećenja |
Garancija: | Ne |
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Grad: |
Beograd-Stari grad, Beograd-Stari grad |
ISBN: 0-85613-272-1
Godina izdanja: 1972
Oblast: Biologija
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Saradnici na knjizi - Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente, P. de Andres, J. Castroviejo, M. Delibes, C. Morillo, C. G. Vallecillo, John Gilbert, Maurice Burton, Brian Innes
Izdavač - Orbis Publishing Limited, London
Godina - 1972
300 strana
31 cm
ISBN - 0-85613-272-1
Povez - Tvrd
Stanje - Kao na slici, tekst bez podvlačenja
Chapter 1: A giant in peril : the white rhinoceros
Family: Rhinocerotidae
Chapter 2: The African elephant: largest land animal
Order: Proboscidea
Chapter 3: The birds of the savannah
Order: Passeriformes
Chapter 4: Stone islands in a sea of grass
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Order: Hyracoidea
Chapter 5: Baboons: inheritors of the earth
Order: Primates
Family: Cercopithecidae
Chapter 6: The bush: a dry and thorny land
Chapter 7: The tall world of the giraffes
Family: Giraffidae
Chapter 8: The antelopes of the bush
Chapter 9: The black rhino: a timorous killer
Order: Ciconiiformes
Chapter 10: The underworld of termites and ants
Chapter 11: Hunters of insects
Order: Tubulidentata
Chapter 12: A springtime paradise for birds
Chapter 13: Birds of prey in the bush and savannah
Chapter 14: Somalia: the sub-desert steppe of Africa
Chapter 15: The dry lands of south-west Africa
`The uneasy balance of life in the African game reserves can be upset in the most unexpected ways. Protected herds of elephants are faced with extinction because their feeding habits have destroyed vast areas of bush. Guarded from the depredations of poachers, they have bred in such overwhelming numbers that they are faced with starvation. White rhinos, on the other hand, are seriously threatened by poachers who kill them only for their horns. The close interdependence of all species of animal, bird or insect; the importance of climate and terrain; and the part that man plays in the balance of nature - this is the theme of Dr Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente`s second volume in the `World of Wildlife` series.`
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