
Drooling and Dangerous: The Riot Brothers Return,super!

199 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
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Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
PostNet (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Železnik,

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Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Godina izdanja: y

Odlično očuvana knjiga za decu na engleskom jeziku iz nepušačkog doma.

Are you bored? Do you like exciting and dangerous adventures?

Then it`s your lucky day! Orville and Wilbur Riot are back with all-new escapades—because, you know, you can`t do the same mission twice. (That`s Rule #15!)

As the brothers say, a bad day is like bad breath . . . it just gets worse unless you do something about it. So Wilbur and Orville are determined to never be bored, even if that means they have to figure out how to become movie stars or foil a diamond heist.

This time even Mom gets in on the fun when the brothers announce a switch day—sorry, a dwitch say—and take over the house and their school.

This new edition features an updated cover, a list of the Riot Brothers` new games, and a sneak peak of Riot Brothers #3: Stinky and Successful.

Moj račun br 115-0381643888749-97 Telenor banka
Leti vreme delim između vikendice i stalne adrese pa slanje odmah ili lično preuzimanje odmah često nije moguće.
NE ŠALJEM POUZEĆEM clanovima sa negativnim ocenama.
Ne nalazimo se usput, po gradu, u centru niti šaljemo autobusom jer nemamo slobodnog vremena za te aktivnosti.
Lično preuzimanje robe je ISKLJUČIVO u ŽELEZNIKU na adresi koju dobijete od Limunda, u vreme u koje se medjusobno UNAPRED dogovorimo što je veći deo dana (od 9 do 21h).
Svi artikli su uglavnom iz ličnog vlasnistva i iz nepušačkog doma.
Garantujem za autentičnost i navedeno stanje ponudjenih artikala.
Pitanja o artiklima postavljajte pre licitiranja a ne nakon jer naknadne reklamacije ne uvažavam.
Roba će biti maksimalno korektno spakovana ali ja lično ne odgovaram za štetu nastalu u transportu, već za to postoji dodatna usluga osiguranja.
Besplatna dostava podrazumeva slanje preporučeno poštom.
Hvala na interesovanju i srećno!

Predmet: 78122801
Odlično očuvana knjiga za decu na engleskom jeziku iz nepušačkog doma.

Are you bored? Do you like exciting and dangerous adventures?

Then it`s your lucky day! Orville and Wilbur Riot are back with all-new escapades—because, you know, you can`t do the same mission twice. (That`s Rule #15!)

As the brothers say, a bad day is like bad breath . . . it just gets worse unless you do something about it. So Wilbur and Orville are determined to never be bored, even if that means they have to figure out how to become movie stars or foil a diamond heist.

This time even Mom gets in on the fun when the brothers announce a switch day—sorry, a dwitch say—and take over the house and their school.

This new edition features an updated cover, a list of the Riot Brothers` new games, and a sneak peak of Riot Brothers #3: Stinky and Successful.
78122801 Drooling and Dangerous: The Riot Brothers Return,super!

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