
The Laws of War - W. Michael Reisman, Chris T. Antoniou

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Grad: Beograd-Mladenovac,

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1994
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

A Comprehensive Collection of Primary Documents on International Laws Governing Armed Conflict

Vintage Books 1994 448 strana

odlična očuvanost

From the Nuremberg trials to the grisly campaign of `ethnic cleansing` in today`s Bosnia, the world recognizes that certain actions are morally and legally unacceptable even in the midst of war. This book features extensive excerpts from treaties and charters that define the proper treatment of civilians, detainees, and POWs during wartime.

Cene su konačne!

Ne šaljem u inostranstvo!

Ne šaljem na Kosovo (tj. Pošta ne prima pošiljke za Kosovo).

Predmet: 75677485
A Comprehensive Collection of Primary Documents on International Laws Governing Armed Conflict

Vintage Books 1994 448 strana

odlična očuvanost

From the Nuremberg trials to the grisly campaign of `ethnic cleansing` in today`s Bosnia, the world recognizes that certain actions are morally and legally unacceptable even in the midst of war. This book features extensive excerpts from treaties and charters that define the proper treatment of civilians, detainees, and POWs during wartime.
75677485 The Laws of War - W. Michael Reisman, Chris T. Antoniou

LimundoGrad koristi kolačiće u statističke i marketinške svrhe. Nastavkom korišćenja sajta smatramo da ste pristali na upotrebu kolačića. Više informacija.