
T.D.Jakes- Soar-Build your vision from the ground up

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Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: BEX
CC paket (Pošta)
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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
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Grad: Vršac,

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100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 4885

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Kupindo zaštita

Godina izdanja: 2017
ISBN: 978-1-5460-2715-7
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani


Knjiga iz Amerike, napisana o uspešnim tehnikama i strategijama za život.

Knjiga je od čuvenog autora T.D. Jakes-a.

Knjiga je napisana na engleskom jeziku.

Izdavač je čuvena Američka kompanija Hachette book group. Knjiga je kao nova. Kupljena u Americi 2021. Plaćena je 25$.

Наслов: SOAR-Build your vision from the Ground up

Аутор: T.D. Jakes.

Hachette Book Group, New York, USA
Faith words

Година издања: 2017

Број страна: 240

Стање: Одлично.Kњига је као нова. Без оштећења. Није подвлачена нити шарена. Нема посвете на пред листу. Омот одличан. Изнутра има неку флекицу али то не утиче на целу кондицију књиге.
Стање 10/10.

You don`t have to be an entrepreneur to think like one and take flight with your dreams. Too often we remain in jobs that stifle our souls and leave us on the runway of opportunity with the engine of our deepest passion stalled, watching others make their personal vision a reality and build a legacy for their children-the opposite of what God intends for us.

But it`s never too late to get your dreams off the ground! If you long to maximize your unique abilities and aptitudes, if you strive to combine personal fulfillment with professional satisfaction, if you dream of creating exceptional goods and offering transformative services and fulfilling God`s destiny for you, then you are ready to SOAR! In SOAR!

T.D. Jakes reveals how to build the uniquely personal vision within each of us into our special contribution to the world. Blending the practical business acumen of a successful, global CEO with the dynamic inspiration of a life coach, SOAR! provides the tools needed to ignite our imaginations into action and challenges us to embrace our God-given purpose as we align our character and creativity with our careers. Bridging both the corporate and nonprofit worlds, SOAR! is a practical and easy-to-follow flight plan for launching the entrepreneurial drive inside each of us. It provides an inspiring look into the mindset of people who don`t wait to see what will happen but strategically build the wings that will take them to new heights.

So buckle your seat belts and prepare for liftoff-you have been cleared to fly beyond your fears, to absolutely SOAR!

Način dostave: Postekspres, CC paket, BEX-kurirska služba.

Plaćanje: Pouzećem, uplatnicom ili e-bankingom na račun.

Očekivano vreme slanja: U roku od 24 časa od potvrde kupovine na kupindu.

Dostava: Teritorija cele Srbije i Inostranstvo.

* Proizvode ne šaljemo dok ne potvrdite kupovinu na kupindu klikom na opciju `kupi`. Zamolili bi smo VAS da ovo pravilo poštujete kao i sva pravila kupinda/limunda.

* Šaljemo u inostranstvo posle uplate na Western Union ili na Pay Pal.

* Za sve ostale informacije kontakt kupindo poruke!.

Predmet: 77854637

Knjiga iz Amerike, napisana o uspešnim tehnikama i strategijama za život.

Knjiga je od čuvenog autora T.D. Jakes-a.

Knjiga je napisana na engleskom jeziku.

Izdavač je čuvena Američka kompanija Hachette book group. Knjiga je kao nova. Kupljena u Americi 2021. Plaćena je 25$.

Наслов: SOAR-Build your vision from the Ground up

Аутор: T.D. Jakes.

Hachette Book Group, New York, USA
Faith words

Година издања: 2017

Број страна: 240

Стање: Одлично.Kњига је као нова. Без оштећења. Није подвлачена нити шарена. Нема посвете на пред листу. Омот одличан. Изнутра има неку флекицу али то не утиче на целу кондицију књиге.
Стање 10/10.

You don`t have to be an entrepreneur to think like one and take flight with your dreams. Too often we remain in jobs that stifle our souls and leave us on the runway of opportunity with the engine of our deepest passion stalled, watching others make their personal vision a reality and build a legacy for their children-the opposite of what God intends for us.

But it`s never too late to get your dreams off the ground! If you long to maximize your unique abilities and aptitudes, if you strive to combine personal fulfillment with professional satisfaction, if you dream of creating exceptional goods and offering transformative services and fulfilling God`s destiny for you, then you are ready to SOAR! In SOAR!

T.D. Jakes reveals how to build the uniquely personal vision within each of us into our special contribution to the world. Blending the practical business acumen of a successful, global CEO with the dynamic inspiration of a life coach, SOAR! provides the tools needed to ignite our imaginations into action and challenges us to embrace our God-given purpose as we align our character and creativity with our careers. Bridging both the corporate and nonprofit worlds, SOAR! is a practical and easy-to-follow flight plan for launching the entrepreneurial drive inside each of us. It provides an inspiring look into the mindset of people who don`t wait to see what will happen but strategically build the wings that will take them to new heights.

So buckle your seat belts and prepare for liftoff-you have been cleared to fly beyond your fears, to absolutely SOAR!
77854637 T.D.Jakes- Soar-Build your vision from the ground up

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