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ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Godina izdanja: x

A famed political scientist`s classic argument for a more cooperative world

We assume that, in a world ruled by natural selection, selfishness pays. So why cooperate? In The Evolution of Cooperation, political scientist Robert Axelrod seeks to answer this question. In 1980, he organized the famed Computer Prisoners Dilemma Tournament, which sought to find the optimal strategy for survival in a particular game. Over and over, the simplest strategy, a cooperative program called Tit for Tat, shut out the competition. In other words, cooperation, not unfettered competition, turns out to be our best chance for survival.

A vital book for leaders and decision makers, The Evolution of Cooperation reveals how cooperative principles help us think better about everything from military strategy, to political elections, to family dynamics.

Predmete ne šaljem pouzećem, jedino nakon uplate. Knjige ne šaljem kao obična tiskovina, jedino kao preporučena tiskovina. Imam puno knjiga i ne mogu da garantujem da su sve na stanju, ponekad se zagube i u tom smislu bih vas zamolio za razumevanje, ako se to desi. U inostranstvo ne šaljem antikvarne knjige. Lično preuzimanje je na mojoj kućnoj adresi (nalazim se u širem centru, u blizini železničke stanice.

Predmet: 74043173
A famed political scientist`s classic argument for a more cooperative world

We assume that, in a world ruled by natural selection, selfishness pays. So why cooperate? In The Evolution of Cooperation, political scientist Robert Axelrod seeks to answer this question. In 1980, he organized the famed Computer Prisoners Dilemma Tournament, which sought to find the optimal strategy for survival in a particular game. Over and over, the simplest strategy, a cooperative program called Tit for Tat, shut out the competition. In other words, cooperation, not unfettered competition, turns out to be our best chance for survival.

A vital book for leaders and decision makers, The Evolution of Cooperation reveals how cooperative principles help us think better about everything from military strategy, to political elections, to family dynamics.

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