
Weed Demon ‎– The Doom Scroll Splatter Vinyl

4.000 din
Stanje: Nekorišćen
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: CC paket (Pošta)
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Zaječar,

grendel (2025)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 9619

  Pošalji poruku

Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

Izdavač: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2024
Žanr: Hard Rok i Metal, Rok
Tip: LP
Poreklo: Strani izvođač

Weed Demon ‎– The Doom Scroll LP Splatter Vinyl
2025. Novo. U celofanu.
Doom Metal. Stoner Rock.
It’s been nearly a decade since Weed Demon exhaled a cloud of riffs over the doom metal scene with their debut EP ‘Stoned To Death.’ Since that time, they have consistently dished out a steady dose of sludgy, groove laden, stoner-doom that would make ole Beelzebub himself bang his horns. Their last offering released during the pandemic, ‘Crater Maker,’ saw the band reach new heights of heaviness, while still delivery their signature doom groove worship. Never ones to return to the same playbook twice, the Demon boys are back with ‘The Doom Scroll.’ A reinvention of their signature sludge n’roll style of doom. Equal parts unrelenting and crushing but with just as much heavy blues inspired riffage. This new chapter sees our heroes expanding their sonic horizons as never before with some help from Stoneripper studios. Expect doom, gloom, sludge, thrash, death, blues and a dash of dungeon synth for good measure. ‘The Doom Scroll’ is a packed bowl and Weed Demon are giving you the first hit. Edition on transparent vinyl with green and yellow splatter.

Za nove ploce molim da narudzbine budu do cetvrtka pre podne kako bi mogle da stignu za vikend.
Mogucnost placanja u Postanskoj stedionici. Paypal i Western Union za inostrane kupce.
Paypal or Western Union for foreign customers. I will send anywhere in the world.
Odobravam popust na kolicinu. Sve je stvar dogovora.
Ne saljem pouzecem ni pod kojim uslovima.
Saljem samo Postom kao CC paket i Postekspresom. Saljem u inostranstvo kao registrovano pismo sa mogucnoscu pracenja posiljke.
Svi plakati su originalni bioskopski iz licne kolekcije.
Sve ploce i diskovi koje prodajem su tacno oni koji su navedeni (izdavac, broj izdanja, godina, zemlja) i u stanju kao sa slike.
Svi diskovi su originali.
Ukoliko kupac nije zadovoljan robom molim da mi istu vrati. Kupac snosi troskove postarine pri povracaju.
Ne odgovaram zbog ostecenja nastalih u transportu.

Predmet: 80321933
Weed Demon ‎– The Doom Scroll LP Splatter Vinyl
2025. Novo. U celofanu.
Doom Metal. Stoner Rock.
It’s been nearly a decade since Weed Demon exhaled a cloud of riffs over the doom metal scene with their debut EP ‘Stoned To Death.’ Since that time, they have consistently dished out a steady dose of sludgy, groove laden, stoner-doom that would make ole Beelzebub himself bang his horns. Their last offering released during the pandemic, ‘Crater Maker,’ saw the band reach new heights of heaviness, while still delivery their signature doom groove worship. Never ones to return to the same playbook twice, the Demon boys are back with ‘The Doom Scroll.’ A reinvention of their signature sludge n’roll style of doom. Equal parts unrelenting and crushing but with just as much heavy blues inspired riffage. This new chapter sees our heroes expanding their sonic horizons as never before with some help from Stoneripper studios. Expect doom, gloom, sludge, thrash, death, blues and a dash of dungeon synth for good measure. ‘The Doom Scroll’ is a packed bowl and Weed Demon are giving you the first hit. Edition on transparent vinyl with green and yellow splatter.
80321933 Weed Demon ‎– The Doom Scroll  Splatter Vinyl

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