
Spacemen 3 – The Perfect Prescription

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Želi ovaj predmet: 2
Stanje: Nekorišćen
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: CC paket (Pošta)
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Zaječar,

grendel (2026)

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Pozitivne: 9620

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Izdavač: Ostalo
Žanr: Alternativni Rok, Rok
Tip: LP
Poreklo: Strani izvođač

Originally issued in 1987, this is the band’s second album, on which Spacemen 3 perfected its woozy, psychedelic drone-pop, moving beyond mere tribute to their influences into a world all their own. A concept record about a drug trip, from the euphoric high of album opener ‘Take Me To The Other Side’ to the drowsy, disturbed finish of ‘Call The Doctor’, ‘The Perfect Prescription’ is arguably the band’s finest moment and the album that best represents the creative collaboration of main members Sonic Boom and Jason Pierce

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Predmet: 80108729
Originally issued in 1987, this is the band’s second album, on which Spacemen 3 perfected its woozy, psychedelic drone-pop, moving beyond mere tribute to their influences into a world all their own. A concept record about a drug trip, from the euphoric high of album opener ‘Take Me To The Other Side’ to the drowsy, disturbed finish of ‘Call The Doctor’, ‘The Perfect Prescription’ is arguably the band’s finest moment and the album that best represents the creative collaboration of main members Sonic Boom and Jason Pierce 80108729 Spacemen 3 – The Perfect Prescription

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