
Lucid Sins – Dancing In The Dark

4.000 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 1
Stanje: Nekorišćen
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: CC paket (Pošta)
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Zaječar,

grendel (2037)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 9711

  Pošalji poruku

Svi predmeti člana

Kupindo zaštita

Izdavač: Ostalo
Tip: LP
Žanr: Rok
Poreklo: Strani izvođač

“You stumble through the forest. Alone and far from home. Lost in a world of green. Hidden in the dark. As the light fades you glimpse flickering flame and catch the scent of smoke… Shadows cast by a low fire take human-esque forms. Leaning in for warmth, they share *TEN TALES OF HOPE AND BETRAYAL, MAGIC AND MADNESS, LOVE AND LOSS* One-by-one the figures begin to dance and spin as the sound of *OCCULT PSYCHEDELIA* drifts through the trees. With swirling perception you release your grip on space and time… Around a glowing fire, deep in the woods, LUCID SINS ARE DANCING IN THE DARK… …WILL YOU DANCE WITH THEM??” Black vinyl version.

Mogucnost placanja u Postanskoj stedionici. Paypal i Western Union za inostrane kupce.
Paypal or Western Union for foreign customers. I will send anywhere in the world.
Odobravam popust na kolicinu. Sve je stvar dogovora.
Ne saljem pouzecem ni pod kojim uslovima.
Saljem samo Postom kao CC paket i Postekspresom. Saljem u inostranstvo kao registrovano pismo sa mogucnoscu pracenja posiljke.
Svi plakati su originalni bioskopski iz licne kolekcije.
Sve ploce i diskovi koje prodajem su tacno oni koji su navedeni (izdavac, broj izdanja, godina, zemlja) i u stanju kao sa slike.
Svi diskovi su originali.
Ukoliko kupac nije zadovoljan robom molim da mi istu vrati. Kupac snosi troskove postarine pri povracaju.
Ne odgovaram zbog ostecenja nastalih u transportu.

Predmet: 79201877
“You stumble through the forest. Alone and far from home. Lost in a world of green. Hidden in the dark. As the light fades you glimpse flickering flame and catch the scent of smoke… Shadows cast by a low fire take human-esque forms. Leaning in for warmth, they share *TEN TALES OF HOPE AND BETRAYAL, MAGIC AND MADNESS, LOVE AND LOSS* One-by-one the figures begin to dance and spin as the sound of *OCCULT PSYCHEDELIA* drifts through the trees. With swirling perception you release your grip on space and time… Around a glowing fire, deep in the woods, LUCID SINS ARE DANCING IN THE DARK… …WILL YOU DANCE WITH THEM??” Black vinyl version. 79201877 Lucid Sins – Dancing In The Dark

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