
BESSIE SMITH ‎The World`s Greatest Blues Singer UK 2LP

1.650 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 3
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
PostNet (pre slanja)
Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Beograd,
Beograd-Novi Beograd

bakeja (5998)

98,35% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 11966

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Kupindo zaštita

Žanr: Bluz
Tip: LP
Poreklo: Strani izvođač
Izdavač: UK-CBS

BESSIE SMITH ‎– The World`s Greatest Blues Singer
–Bessie Smith Down Hearted Blues 3:23
–Bessie Smith Gulf Coast Blues 3:03
–Bessie Smith And Her Down Home Trio Aggravatin` Papa 3:15
–Bessie Smith And Her Down Home Trio Beale Street Mama 3:33
–Bessie Smith Baby Won`t You Please Come Home 2:54
–Bessie Smith Oh Daddy (You Won`t Have No Mama At All) 3:02
–Bessie Smith Tain`t Nobody`s Bizness If I Do 3:23
–Bessie Smith Keeps On A-Rainin` (Papa, He Can`t Make No Time) 3:03
–Bessie Smith Mama`s Got The Blues 2:55
–Bessie Smith Outside Of That 3:27
–Bessie Smith Bleeding Hearted Blues 3:05
–Bessie Smith Lady Luck Blues 3:06
–Bessie Smith Yodeling Blues 3:10
–Bessie Smith Midnight Blues 3:15
–Bessie Smith If You Don`t, I Know Who Will 3:33
–Bessie Smith Nobody In Town Can Bake A Sweet Jelly Roll Like Mine 3:28
–Bessie Smith See If I`ll Care 3:22
–Bessie Smith Baby Have Pity On Me 3:17
–Bessie Smith On Revival Day (A Rhythmic Spiritual) 2:55
–Bessie Smith Moan, You Mourners 3:10
–Bessie Smith Hustlin` Dan 3:30
–Bessie Smith Black Mountain Blues 3:07
–Bessie Smith In The House Blues 3:00
–Bessie Smith Long Old Road 3:26
–Bessie Smith Blue Blue 3:10
–Bessie Smith Shipwreck Blues 3:19
–Bessie Smith Need A Little Sugar In My Bowl 2:46
–Bessie Smith Safety Mama 3:22
–Bessie Smith Acc. By Buck And His Band Do Your Duty 3:24
–Bessie Smith Acc. By Buck And His Band Gimme A Pigfoot 3:37
–Bessie Smith Acc. By Buck And His Band Take Me For A Buggy Ride 2:35
–Bessie Smith Acc. By Buck And His Band Down In The Dumps 3:09

U inostransvo šaljem ako se dogovorimo oko načina uplate
Zbog mojih hroničnih zdravstvenih problema i poodmaklih godina, kao i još nekih razloga O B A V E Z N O me kontaktirajte P R E zvanične kupovine mojih predmeta...

LICNO PREUZIMANJE I S K L J U C I V O na mojoj adresi (blok 23 Nbgd) sa kupinda ...U PRINCIPU SVAKOG DANA od 16h do 21h..ALI
PRE dolaska OBAVEZNO me kontaktirajte telefonom...


Besplatna dostava se odnosi samo na teritoriju Srbije
Besplatna dostava znači da mi novac uplaćujete unapred, a ja, po uplati šaljem predmet kao običnu pošiljku (bez broja za praćenje)...
posle nekog broja izgubljenih posiljki bio sam primoran da UKINEM ovaj nacin slanja, a kupac, tamo gde pise besplatna dostava placa POLOVINU cene preporucene posiljke ili cene kurirske dostave preko cc paket kurirske sluzbe Poste Srbije..

Predmet: 59515091
BESSIE SMITH ‎– The World`s Greatest Blues Singer
–Bessie Smith Down Hearted Blues 3:23
–Bessie Smith Gulf Coast Blues 3:03
–Bessie Smith And Her Down Home Trio Aggravatin` Papa 3:15
–Bessie Smith And Her Down Home Trio Beale Street Mama 3:33
–Bessie Smith Baby Won`t You Please Come Home 2:54
–Bessie Smith Oh Daddy (You Won`t Have No Mama At All) 3:02
–Bessie Smith Tain`t Nobody`s Bizness If I Do 3:23
–Bessie Smith Keeps On A-Rainin` (Papa, He Can`t Make No Time) 3:03
–Bessie Smith Mama`s Got The Blues 2:55
–Bessie Smith Outside Of That 3:27
–Bessie Smith Bleeding Hearted Blues 3:05
–Bessie Smith Lady Luck Blues 3:06
–Bessie Smith Yodeling Blues 3:10
–Bessie Smith Midnight Blues 3:15
–Bessie Smith If You Don`t, I Know Who Will 3:33
–Bessie Smith Nobody In Town Can Bake A Sweet Jelly Roll Like Mine 3:28
–Bessie Smith See If I`ll Care 3:22
–Bessie Smith Baby Have Pity On Me 3:17
–Bessie Smith On Revival Day (A Rhythmic Spiritual) 2:55
–Bessie Smith Moan, You Mourners 3:10
–Bessie Smith Hustlin` Dan 3:30
–Bessie Smith Black Mountain Blues 3:07
–Bessie Smith In The House Blues 3:00
–Bessie Smith Long Old Road 3:26
–Bessie Smith Blue Blue 3:10
–Bessie Smith Shipwreck Blues 3:19
–Bessie Smith Need A Little Sugar In My Bowl 2:46
–Bessie Smith Safety Mama 3:22
–Bessie Smith Acc. By Buck And His Band Do Your Duty 3:24
–Bessie Smith Acc. By Buck And His Band Gimme A Pigfoot 3:37
–Bessie Smith Acc. By Buck And His Band Take Me For A Buggy Ride 2:35
–Bessie Smith Acc. By Buck And His Band Down In The Dumps 3:09
59515091 BESSIE SMITH ‎The World`s Greatest Blues Singer UK 2LP

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