
The Oscar Peterson Trio ‎– The Trio : Live From Chicago

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Stanje: Polovan sa vidljivim znacima korišćenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Medijana,

IvanPejcev (289)

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Pozitivne: 485

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Kupindo zaštita

Godina izdanja: 1961
Žanr: Džez
Tip: LP
Poreklo: Strani izvođač
Izdavač: Verve Records ‎– V-8420(US)Mono

Američko mono izdanje.Ploča 5-/4+,omot 4.Zvučno odlična.Pitajte.
The Oscar Peterson Trio with bassist Ray Brown and drummer Ed Thigpen lacked the competitiveness of his earlier group with Brown and guitarist Herb Ellis, and the later daring of his solo performances, but the pianist was generally in peak form during this era.

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Predmet: 36887359
Američko mono izdanje.Ploča 5-/4+,omot 4.Zvučno odlična.Pitajte.
The Oscar Peterson Trio with bassist Ray Brown and drummer Ed Thigpen lacked the competitiveness of his earlier group with Brown and guitarist Herb Ellis, and the later daring of his solo performances, but the pianist was generally in peak form during this era.
36887359 The Oscar Peterson Trio ‎– The Trio : Live From Chicago

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