
William Brinkley - Don`t Go Near the Water

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju

Title: Don`t Go Near the Water
Author: William Brinkley
Publication Year: 1956
Publisher: Random House
Format: Hardcover with Dust Jacket
Pages: 373
Dimensions: 9x6x1 inches

Book Club Edition; Third Printing. A handsome copy

After his mother`s death, thirteen-year-old Danny retreats into the ocean to find her. His family`s summer home is near the water, and Danny spends his days exploring the coastline and the waves. One day, he goes too far and is swept out to sea. For days he struggles against the currents until he`s rescued by a passing boat. Danny is relieved to be alive, but his ordeal has left him scared and changed. He doesn`t want to go near the water again.; 8vo .

Don`t Go Near the Water is a 1956 novel by William Brinkley. The book parodies aspects of the wartime United States Navy, particularly Navy public relations, in which Brinkley served, propaganda, war correspondents, civilian contempt for the regular military, and Naval Intelligence.

The story is set in 1945, from just after the invasion of Iwo Jima to the end of the war. The officers depicted are in the Public Relations (PR) section of `ComFleets`, the fictional advanced headquarters of the Pacific Fleet, on the fictional island of Tulura (a stand-in for Guam).

It was the best-selling work of fiction of 1956 in the United States, finishing ahead of The Last Hurrah, Peyton Place, and Andersonville, the other three novels to reach `Number One` on The New York Times Best Seller list for that year.

World War II.

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Predmet: 79148509
U dobrom stanju

Title: Don`t Go Near the Water
Author: William Brinkley
Publication Year: 1956
Publisher: Random House
Format: Hardcover with Dust Jacket
Pages: 373
Dimensions: 9x6x1 inches

Book Club Edition; Third Printing. A handsome copy

After his mother`s death, thirteen-year-old Danny retreats into the ocean to find her. His family`s summer home is near the water, and Danny spends his days exploring the coastline and the waves. One day, he goes too far and is swept out to sea. For days he struggles against the currents until he`s rescued by a passing boat. Danny is relieved to be alive, but his ordeal has left him scared and changed. He doesn`t want to go near the water again.; 8vo .

Don`t Go Near the Water is a 1956 novel by William Brinkley. The book parodies aspects of the wartime United States Navy, particularly Navy public relations, in which Brinkley served, propaganda, war correspondents, civilian contempt for the regular military, and Naval Intelligence.

The story is set in 1945, from just after the invasion of Iwo Jima to the end of the war. The officers depicted are in the Public Relations (PR) section of `ComFleets`, the fictional advanced headquarters of the Pacific Fleet, on the fictional island of Tulura (a stand-in for Guam).

It was the best-selling work of fiction of 1956 in the United States, finishing ahead of The Last Hurrah, Peyton Place, and Andersonville, the other three novels to reach `Number One` on The New York Times Best Seller list for that year.

World War II.
79148509 William Brinkley - Don`t Go Near the Water

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