
The Revelation - Dušan Ninić

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Jezik: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Autor: Strani

Novo, nečitano, nema posvete.

The Revelation - Dušan Ninić

Godina izdanja: 2015
Broj strana: 374
Povez: Mek
Dusan Ninic’s books could certainly be claimed to be the novels of ideas, though they can also be classified as belonging to the literary-artistic genre usually called magical realism. In his novels, the fiction ele¬ments are intertwined with the reality and equated with it, so that they create a harmonious entity based on an objective relationship. Further, his novels have elements of syncretism, as philosophy and theology are harmoniously interwoven to such a degree that the boundaries between them are almost unrecognizable. In regards to the very content of the novels, Ninic follows the same group of friends who work for the Serbian Ministry of Defense, the department for Web-site monitoring, but the reader soon discovers that this is merely a cover for a military anti-terrorist unit against the special war activities of foreign countries as well as the extraterrestrial life. The reader may wonder whether Ninic presented something confidential that he himself was a part of, or whether he is only a visionary of his time? Gen.major Svetozar Radisic gives one of the possible answers to this question: “In connection with Dušana Ninic’s books, there are only four certain things: First, they are written in the form of novels. Second, they contain elements that enter into the field of quantum physics and the latest scientific achievements in general. Third, the readers get an impression that the novels contain some strictly confidential information. Fourth, the author writes as if there is a group that possesses the weapons that can save the world and that these weapons are available to the righteous. I wish everything I’ve read in Dušan Ninic’s books was true. I must admit that he has skillfully assumed the role of the narrator.The book ‘Revelation’ has the same effect on me as it has on you - after reading these novels I’m not sure if I know more or less than prior to reading“.

Šaljem u inostranstvo. Više informacija pri dnu strane. / I do send abroad. Some limitations apply, however. Please see below for more info.

Besplatna dostava, tamo gde je uključena, odnosi se na preporučenu tiskovinu, iako u oglasu možda stoji CC paket.

Lično preuzimanje je moguće u Beogradu ili u Vranju, zavisno od toga koja knjiga je u pitanju. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani, javite mi se pre kupovine kako biste proverili gde se knjiga može preuzeti. Iz tog razloga sam na svim predmetima prodaje izbacio opciju ličnog preuzimanja da ne bi dolazilo do nesporazuma.

Pre kupovine predmeta predlažem da me kontaktirate da proverim status knjige. U malom broju slučajeva je moguće da knjiga nije na stanju, pošto prodajem i van Kupinda, pa se može desiti da knjiga više nije dostupna. U slučaju da knjiga nije dostupna vraćam eventualno uplaćeni novac i razmenjujemo pozitivne ocene.

Ja sam fizičko lice, knjige su moj hobi, ne i stalan posao. Ipak, svemu pristupam profesionalno uključujući opisivanje, pakovanje i slanje predmeta.

Ne slikam sadržaje, delove knjiga i generalno na pitanja vezana za sadržaj ne odgovaram. Za takva pitanja obratite se izdavaču.

Plaćanje pouzećem je moguće, ali samo ukoliko ste pouzdan kupac (imate 100 pozitivnih ocena bez negativnih). Zbog nekoliko vraćanja pošiljaka i neplaniranih troškova, prinuđen sam da isključim ovu opciju, i da je dozvolim samo ukoliko me ranije kontaktirate.

Slanje knjiga se obavlja bar jednom nedeljno. Uglavnom šaljem do par dana nakon uplate ali to nije uvek slučaj. Držim se rokova Kupinda i molim Vas bez požurivanja. Ukoliko je nešto hitno pitajte me pre kupovine da li mogu da pošaljem odmah nakon uplate.

Na sve kupljene knjige dajem garanciju kvaliteta (ukoliko nedostaje stranica, ima fabricke greske ili druge mane koja nije navedena u opisu).

Sve mane predmeta navedene su u opisu oglasa ukoliko ih uopste i ima.

Cene pojedinačnih knjiga su fiksne.

Šaljem i u inostranstvo ali ne mogu da odgovaram ako se knjiga vrati iz bilo kog razloga sa carine. Samo narudžbine skuplje od 1900 dinara šaljem i samo knjige stampane do pre 40 godina. Pre kupovine se informišite za cene poštarina pošto znaju biti veće od same knjige.

I do send abroad. However there are some limitations.
1. I don`t send books that are printed this year or are older then 40 years.
2. I don`t send orders that are cheaper then 1900 RSD (18 EUR)
3. I cannot be held responsible if the book is returned from customs for any reason. This didn`t happen to me, however.

Predmet: 77658013
Novo, nečitano, nema posvete.

The Revelation - Dušan Ninić

Godina izdanja: 2015
Broj strana: 374
Povez: Mek
Dusan Ninic’s books could certainly be claimed to be the novels of ideas, though they can also be classified as belonging to the literary-artistic genre usually called magical realism. In his novels, the fiction ele¬ments are intertwined with the reality and equated with it, so that they create a harmonious entity based on an objective relationship. Further, his novels have elements of syncretism, as philosophy and theology are harmoniously interwoven to such a degree that the boundaries between them are almost unrecognizable. In regards to the very content of the novels, Ninic follows the same group of friends who work for the Serbian Ministry of Defense, the department for Web-site monitoring, but the reader soon discovers that this is merely a cover for a military anti-terrorist unit against the special war activities of foreign countries as well as the extraterrestrial life. The reader may wonder whether Ninic presented something confidential that he himself was a part of, or whether he is only a visionary of his time? Gen.major Svetozar Radisic gives one of the possible answers to this question: “In connection with Dušana Ninic’s books, there are only four certain things: First, they are written in the form of novels. Second, they contain elements that enter into the field of quantum physics and the latest scientific achievements in general. Third, the readers get an impression that the novels contain some strictly confidential information. Fourth, the author writes as if there is a group that possesses the weapons that can save the world and that these weapons are available to the righteous. I wish everything I’ve read in Dušan Ninic’s books was true. I must admit that he has skillfully assumed the role of the narrator.The book ‘Revelation’ has the same effect on me as it has on you - after reading these novels I’m not sure if I know more or less than prior to reading“.
77658013 The Revelation - Dušan Ninić

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