
The Pick of the Punch /FOLIO SOCIETY/

990 din
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Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

U dobrom stanju

Folio Society, London, 1999. The Pick of Punch, Selected and Introduced by Miles Kington. Second Printing. Ruled box with black lettering on the spine.

Punch Magazine. This is a collection of articles, cartoons and poems that had been featured in the publication over the years and provides a good sampling of what Punch was all about.

To be fair, most of the writings are in the amusing, rather than the outrageously funny, category of humor. (Well, with the exception of the Terry Jones and Michael Palin account of their Monty Python tour of Canada which had me laughing out loud) While there are a few cultural references that may escape some readers not familiar with events and personages of the time the piece was written, most stand the test of time and illustrate that humor does not need to be caustic to entertain. Additionally, there were a few pieces that did not resonate, but due to their brevity, did not adversely effect the enjoyment of the book.

As a look back to a different time and as a testament to its over 160 years of publication, this volume is a treat for readers who may wish to see what the fuss was all about and to enjoy some light hearted banter that is pleasant and relaxing.

Za kupovine ukupne vrednosti preko 2.000 dinara moguće lično preuzimanje u Cara Dušana u Novom Sadu. Ako je za pojedinačnu knjigu navedena samo opcija Pošta, lično preuzimanje samo te knjige nije moguće. U Novom Sadu moguća je lična dostava i plaćanje preko službe Eko-kurir (cena je 250-300 din).

Knjiga koju dobijate je ona koja je na slici. Ukoliko nije naznačeno da je knjiga nova ili nekorišćena, ponekad se desi da na predlistu stoji potpis, posveta ili pečat i da to nije navedeno u opisu. Ako vam takve stvari smetaju, pitajte me pre kupovine da proverim.

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Poštarina je za jednu knjigu visoka i okvirno se kreće od 10-15 eur za prvu i oko 7 eura za svaku dodatnu knjigu. Postoji mogućnost znatno isplativijeg slanja za teže pakete. Uplate PayPalom (+10%), direktno na devizni račun, Western Union ili Moneygram. Najbolje je da pre kupovine pitate koliki su troškovi dostave, jer su često veći od cene same knjige.

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Predmet: 77509921
U dobrom stanju

Folio Society, London, 1999. The Pick of Punch, Selected and Introduced by Miles Kington. Second Printing. Ruled box with black lettering on the spine.

Punch Magazine. This is a collection of articles, cartoons and poems that had been featured in the publication over the years and provides a good sampling of what Punch was all about.

To be fair, most of the writings are in the amusing, rather than the outrageously funny, category of humor. (Well, with the exception of the Terry Jones and Michael Palin account of their Monty Python tour of Canada which had me laughing out loud) While there are a few cultural references that may escape some readers not familiar with events and personages of the time the piece was written, most stand the test of time and illustrate that humor does not need to be caustic to entertain. Additionally, there were a few pieces that did not resonate, but due to their brevity, did not adversely effect the enjoyment of the book.

As a look back to a different time and as a testament to its over 160 years of publication, this volume is a treat for readers who may wish to see what the fuss was all about and to enjoy some light hearted banter that is pleasant and relaxing.
77509921 The Pick of the Punch /FOLIO SOCIETY/

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