
Populism the Serbian Way - Dubravka Stojanović

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Srpski
Autor: Strani

Knjiga je potpuno nova, necitana, kao iz knjizare.

Populism the Serbian Way - Dubravka Stojanović

Izdavač: Biblioteka XX vek
Godina izdanja: 2017
Broj strana: 211
Format: 17 cm
Povez: Broširani

Finally, one thing in which the Balkans have had an advantage over Europe! Populism. Ever since that word entered general circulation, I have been getting ready to proclaim Serbia, and perhaps the entire Balkans, the vanguard of populism. To show that even we excel in something, that even we can explain to someone what’s waiting for them, what you – latecomers – have to expect, and how you might proceed!
The beginning of populism in Serbia dates from the early 1870s, from the populist socialism of Svetozar Marković and the radicalism of Nikola Pašić. After this, such regimes reproduced themselves, with very short intervals, in the course of the 20th century, through socialism, Milošević, all the way to Aleksandar Vučić. That is what gives me that superiority I mentioned at the beginning, because I have that know-how which you are just beginning to acquire.
What are the conclusions? Populism is not a codified ideology, it can be right-wing or left-wing, but its key characteristic is collectivist emotion which sucks in every individual, which crushes every pluralism. A populist movement always speaks in the name of an entire people, and the possibility that you can remain outside and think differently is excluded. It is a deception – it originates from economic and social embitterment as a movement against the establishment, but it will, in the end, additionally impoverish the population and substantially enrich the élite. As identity politics, it is a monistic and essentialist call to be, as the Brexiteers would say, one’s own man in one’s own country. How familiar that sounds to us!

Šaljem u inostranstvo. Više informacija pri dnu strane. / I do send abroad. Some limitations apply, however. Please see below for more info.

Besplatna dostava, tamo gde je uključena, odnosi se na preporučenu tiskovinu, iako u oglasu možda stoji CC paket.

Lično preuzimanje je moguće u Beogradu ili u Vranju, zavisno od toga koja knjiga je u pitanju. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani, javite mi se pre kupovine kako biste proverili gde se knjiga može preuzeti. Iz tog razloga sam na svim predmetima prodaje izbacio opciju ličnog preuzimanja da ne bi dolazilo do nesporazuma.

Pre kupovine predmeta predlažem da me kontaktirate da proverim status knjige. U malom broju slučajeva je moguće da knjiga nije na stanju, pošto prodajem i van Kupinda, pa se može desiti da knjiga više nije dostupna. U slučaju da knjiga nije dostupna vraćam eventualno uplaćeni novac i razmenjujemo pozitivne ocene.

Ja sam fizičko lice, knjige su moj hobi, ne i stalan posao. Ipak, svemu pristupam profesionalno uključujući opisivanje, pakovanje i slanje predmeta.

Plaćanje pouzećem je moguće, ali samo ukoliko ste pouzdan kupac (imate 100 pozitivnih ocena bez negativnih). Zbog nekoliko vraćanja pošiljaka i neplaniranih troškova, prinuđen sam da isključim ovu opciju, i da je dozvolim samo ukoliko me ranije kontaktirate.

Slanje knjiga se obavlja bar jednom nedeljno. Uglavnom šaljem do par dana nakon uplate ali to nije uvek slučaj. Držim se rokova Kupinda i molim Vas bez požurivanja. Ukoliko je nešto hitno pitajte me pre kupovine da li mogu da pošaljem odmah nakon uplate.

Na sve kupljene knjige dajem garanciju kvaliteta (ukoliko nedostaje stranica, ima fabricke greske ili druge mane koja nije navedena u opisu).

Sve mane predmeta navedene su u opisu oglasa ukoliko ih uopste i ima.

Cene pojedinačnih knjiga su fiksne.

Šaljem i u inostranstvo ali ne mogu da odgovaram ako se knjiga vrati iz bilo kog razloga sa carine. Samo narudžbine skuplje od 1900 dinara šaljem i samo knjige stampane do pre 40 godina. Pre kupovine se informišite za cene poštarina pošto znaju biti veće od same knjige.

I do send abroad. However there are some limitations.
1. I don`t send books that are printed this year or are older then 40 years.
2. I don`t send orders that are cheaper then 1900 RSD (18 EUR)
3. I cannot be held responsible if the book is returned from customs for any reason. This didn`t happen to me, however.

Predmet: 75284357
Knjiga je potpuno nova, necitana, kao iz knjizare.

Populism the Serbian Way - Dubravka Stojanović

Izdavač: Biblioteka XX vek
Godina izdanja: 2017
Broj strana: 211
Format: 17 cm
Povez: Broširani

Finally, one thing in which the Balkans have had an advantage over Europe! Populism. Ever since that word entered general circulation, I have been getting ready to proclaim Serbia, and perhaps the entire Balkans, the vanguard of populism. To show that even we excel in something, that even we can explain to someone what’s waiting for them, what you – latecomers – have to expect, and how you might proceed!
The beginning of populism in Serbia dates from the early 1870s, from the populist socialism of Svetozar Marković and the radicalism of Nikola Pašić. After this, such regimes reproduced themselves, with very short intervals, in the course of the 20th century, through socialism, Milošević, all the way to Aleksandar Vučić. That is what gives me that superiority I mentioned at the beginning, because I have that know-how which you are just beginning to acquire.
What are the conclusions? Populism is not a codified ideology, it can be right-wing or left-wing, but its key characteristic is collectivist emotion which sucks in every individual, which crushes every pluralism. A populist movement always speaks in the name of an entire people, and the possibility that you can remain outside and think differently is excluded. It is a deception – it originates from economic and social embitterment as a movement against the establishment, but it will, in the end, additionally impoverish the population and substantially enrich the élite. As identity politics, it is a monistic and essentialist call to be, as the Brexiteers would say, one’s own man in one’s own country. How familiar that sounds to us!
75284357 Populism the Serbian Way - Dubravka Stojanović

LimundoGrad koristi kolačiće u statističke i marketinške svrhe. Nastavkom korišćenja sajta smatramo da ste pristali na upotrebu kolačića. Više informacija.