
How Starbucks Saved My Life, Michael Gates Gill

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Grad: Beograd-Borča,

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 00
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Autor: Michael Gates Gill
Povez: broširan
Br. strana: 268
Format: 12,5 x 17
In his fifties, Michael Gates Gill had it all: a mansion in the suburbs, a wife and loving children, a six-figure salary, and an Ivy League education. But in a few short years, he lost his job, got divorced, and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. With no money or health insurance, he was forced to get a job at Starbucks. Having gone from power lunches to scrubbing toilets, from being served to serving, Michael was a true fish out of water.
But fate brings an unexpected teacher into his life who opens his eyes to what living well really looks like. The two seem to have nothing in common: She is a young African American, the daughter of a drug addict; he is used to being the boss but reports to her now. For the first time in his life he experiences being a member of a minority trying hard to survive in a challenging new job. He learns the value of hard work and humility, as well as what it truly means to respect another person.
Behind the scenes at one of America’s most intriguing businesses, an inspiring friendship is born, a family begins to heal, and, thanks to his unlikely mentor, Michael Gill at last experiences a sense of self-worth and happiness he has never known before.

Pošta je podigla cenu svojih usluga!
- Knjige ne šaljemo za inostranstvo!
- Plaćanje pouzećem, može isključivo kad je slanje kurirskom službom, dok preporučena tiskovina tek nakon uplate na račun, gde kupac preuzima troškove poštarine.
- Ne snosimo odgovornost, ukoliko se knjiga izgubi u transportu, a imamo potvrdu o predatom paketu!
LIČNO PREUZIMANJE ne znači da knjigu donosimo na kućnu adresu ili radno mesto!
- Lično preuzimanje je isključivo u Borči, tačnije na Zrenjaninskom putu, kupce sačekamo na stanici s obzirom kojim autobusom dolaze.
NAPOMENA: Molimo Vas, da pre same kupovine, putem poruke proverite da li je knjiga još na stanju. Unapred hvala!
Svu našu ponudu možete pogledati na linku:

Predmet: 74230105
Autor: Michael Gates Gill
Povez: broširan
Br. strana: 268
Format: 12,5 x 17
In his fifties, Michael Gates Gill had it all: a mansion in the suburbs, a wife and loving children, a six-figure salary, and an Ivy League education. But in a few short years, he lost his job, got divorced, and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. With no money or health insurance, he was forced to get a job at Starbucks. Having gone from power lunches to scrubbing toilets, from being served to serving, Michael was a true fish out of water.
But fate brings an unexpected teacher into his life who opens his eyes to what living well really looks like. The two seem to have nothing in common: She is a young African American, the daughter of a drug addict; he is used to being the boss but reports to her now. For the first time in his life he experiences being a member of a minority trying hard to survive in a challenging new job. He learns the value of hard work and humility, as well as what it truly means to respect another person.
Behind the scenes at one of America’s most intriguing businesses, an inspiring friendship is born, a family begins to heal, and, thanks to his unlikely mentor, Michael Gill at last experiences a sense of self-worth and happiness he has never known before.
74230105 How Starbucks Saved My Life, Michael Gates Gill

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