
Alistair MacLean - San Andreas

399 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
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Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
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Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
PostNet (pre slanja)
Ostalo (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Čukarica,

MladenR79 (1223)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 1749

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Kupindo zaštita

ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 1985
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Mek povez, 286 strana, 18 cm, 1985. godine izdaje Fontana Collins
Reissue of the classic tale of war at sea, from the acclaimed master of action and suspense. Suddenly, just before dawn, the lights went out aboard the San Andreas. For the British hospital ship sailing the deadly, U-boat patrolled Norwegian waters, a nightmare of violence and betrayal has begun. A terrifying game of sabotage in which an unknown traitor among the crew holds all the cards. The red crosses on the vessel’s sides spell anything but safety. For a dangerous secret has turned the ship into a priceless quarry. With the Captain out of action Bosun Archie McKinnon takes over. Alone in treacherous, frozen seas, her compass smashed, the San Andreas is being drawn relentlessly into the enemy’s hands.

ŽIRO RAČUN: 325-9300707246754-88
Knjige šaljem poštom kao preporučenu tiskovinu (230 dinara) ili običnu tiskovinu (160 dinara). Magnete i predmete šaljem kao pakete tako da je cena poštarine 350 dinara. Postexpres možete da regulišete pri preuzimanju predmeta ili da uplatite zajedno sa predmetom (450 dinara). Novim članovima koji nemaju ocene ne šaljem knjige postexpresom, bez prethodne uplate knjige ili predmeta na račun.
Nakon kupovine predmeta ili knjige uplatite iznos predmeta uvećan za izabranu poštarinu. Javite mi po uplati, koji ste način slanja izabrali i šaljem Vam knjigu i nakon toga se čujemo porukama preko kupinda.
Članovi koji su novi, bez ocena saradnje, pre slanja uplaćuju predmet i poštarinu.
Postovane kupce bih zamolio da se celokupan obim komunikacije odvija putem poruka na sajtu kupinda!
Poštovani, takođe Vas molim da ako želite da se predmet pošalje na drugu adresu od navedene na sajtu, molim Vas navedite je u poruci u kojoj ste i kupili predmet, kako bi efikasnije mogla da se napravi veza.

Predmet: 61018193
Mek povez, 286 strana, 18 cm, 1985. godine izdaje Fontana Collins
Reissue of the classic tale of war at sea, from the acclaimed master of action and suspense. Suddenly, just before dawn, the lights went out aboard the San Andreas. For the British hospital ship sailing the deadly, U-boat patrolled Norwegian waters, a nightmare of violence and betrayal has begun. A terrifying game of sabotage in which an unknown traitor among the crew holds all the cards. The red crosses on the vessel’s sides spell anything but safety. For a dangerous secret has turned the ship into a priceless quarry. With the Captain out of action Bosun Archie McKinnon takes over. Alone in treacherous, frozen seas, her compass smashed, the San Andreas is being drawn relentlessly into the enemy’s hands.
61018193 Alistair MacLean - San Andreas

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