
Michael Moore - Dude, where`s my country?

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Grad: Beograd-Čukarica,

MladenR79 (1229)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 1756

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Godina izdanja: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-446-69262-X
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Mek povez, 250 strana, 23 cm, Warner books, 2003. godine
In case anyone in Washington hasn`t noticed, Americans are fed up with the status quo. In this, the first shot fired over the bow of the 2004 Presidential election, Michael Moore aims to unseat the man who slithered into the White House on tracks built by the bloody hands of Enron and greased with the oil of his daddy. As if an unelected, semi-literate president weren`t problem enough, America`s Democrats have managed to take the liberty out of `liberal,` signing on with the G.O.P. for dirty corporate money and the ill-gotten gains of globalization. The `left` is just as satisfied as the right to stand idly by as the chasm between the haves and the have-nots grows wider and wider. Thank god for Michael Moore because Dude, Where`s My Country tells us precisely what went wrong, and, more importantly, how to fix things. In a voice that is fearless, funny, and furious, Moore takes readers to the edge of righteous laughter and divine revenge.

ŽIRO RAČUN: 325-9300707246754-88
Knjige šaljem poštom kao preporučenu tiskovinu (230 dinara) ili običnu tiskovinu (160 dinara). Magnete i predmete šaljem kao pakete tako da je cena poštarine 350 dinara. Postexpres možete da regulišete pri preuzimanju predmeta ili da uplatite zajedno sa predmetom (450 dinara). Novim članovima koji nemaju ocene ne šaljem knjige postexpresom, bez prethodne uplate knjige ili predmeta na račun.
Nakon kupovine predmeta ili knjige uplatite iznos predmeta uvećan za izabranu poštarinu. Javite mi po uplati, koji ste način slanja izabrali i šaljem Vam knjigu i nakon toga se čujemo porukama preko kupinda.
Članovi koji su novi, bez ocena saradnje, pre slanja uplaćuju predmet i poštarinu.
Postovane kupce bih zamolio da se celokupan obim komunikacije odvija putem poruka na sajtu kupinda!
Poštovani, takođe Vas molim da ako želite da se predmet pošalje na drugu adresu od navedene na sajtu, molim Vas navedite je u poruci u kojoj ste i kupili predmet, kako bi efikasnije mogla da se napravi veza.

Predmet: 61017769
Mek povez, 250 strana, 23 cm, Warner books, 2003. godine
In case anyone in Washington hasn`t noticed, Americans are fed up with the status quo. In this, the first shot fired over the bow of the 2004 Presidential election, Michael Moore aims to unseat the man who slithered into the White House on tracks built by the bloody hands of Enron and greased with the oil of his daddy. As if an unelected, semi-literate president weren`t problem enough, America`s Democrats have managed to take the liberty out of `liberal,` signing on with the G.O.P. for dirty corporate money and the ill-gotten gains of globalization. The `left` is just as satisfied as the right to stand idly by as the chasm between the haves and the have-nots grows wider and wider. Thank god for Michael Moore because Dude, Where`s My Country tells us precisely what went wrong, and, more importantly, how to fix things. In a voice that is fearless, funny, and furious, Moore takes readers to the edge of righteous laughter and divine revenge.
61017769 Michael Moore - Dude, where`s my country?

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