
JVC MZ-V3U Stereo Zoom mikrofon za kamkordere

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Želi ovaj predmet: 3
Stanje: Polovan sa vidljivim znacima korišćenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Post Express
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Plaćanje: PostNet (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Savski venac,
Beograd-Savski venac

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Namenjeno za: JVC
Vrsta: Mikrofon

JVC MZ-V3U Stereo Zoom mikrofon za kamkordere,
kako piše na net-u neki od kompatibilnih modela su :
`Compatible w/ the following camcorder models:

GR-DVP7U ....

JVC MZ-V3U Stereo Zoom Microphone

Designed for use with a JVC Hi-Def camcorder, the Stereo Zoom microphone delivers better, sharper audio than the camera`s built-in all-purpose microphone. It mounts to the top of the camera and is pointed toward your subject, to better pick up audio from interviews and speeches. The mic is sheathed in windscreen foam that not only dampens the crackle of wind gusts, but also protects the microphone from moisture, debris, and scratches.

The MZ-V3U is a stereo zoom microphone which is mounted on the Info-Shoe and interlocked with the zooming and power settings of the video camera.

Ideal for interviews and speeches
Mounts on top of the camera and points toward the subject
Windscreen foam dampens the crackle of wind gusts protects the microphone from moisture, debris, and scratches
Delivers better, sharper audio than built-in microphones`,

dobro očuvan u stanju kao na slikama ...

Lično preuzimanje : KOD MENE KUĆI u BG na Senjaku !
Slanje : Post Express-om o trošku kupca !

***** Pogledajte i ostalu moju prodaju na Kupindu, možda nađete nešto interesantno :

Opcija `plaćanja pre slanja` je moguća na Tekući račun ili PostNet-om !

Predmete NE ŠALJEM van Srbije ! --->>> I don`t send things out of Serbia !

Predmet: 54771923
JVC MZ-V3U Stereo Zoom mikrofon za kamkordere,
kako piše na net-u neki od kompatibilnih modela su :
`Compatible w/ the following camcorder models:

GR-DVP7U ....

JVC MZ-V3U Stereo Zoom Microphone

Designed for use with a JVC Hi-Def camcorder, the Stereo Zoom microphone delivers better, sharper audio than the camera`s built-in all-purpose microphone. It mounts to the top of the camera and is pointed toward your subject, to better pick up audio from interviews and speeches. The mic is sheathed in windscreen foam that not only dampens the crackle of wind gusts, but also protects the microphone from moisture, debris, and scratches.

The MZ-V3U is a stereo zoom microphone which is mounted on the Info-Shoe and interlocked with the zooming and power settings of the video camera.

Ideal for interviews and speeches
Mounts on top of the camera and points toward the subject
Windscreen foam dampens the crackle of wind gusts protects the microphone from moisture, debris, and scratches
Delivers better, sharper audio than built-in microphones`,

dobro očuvan u stanju kao na slikama ...

Lično preuzimanje : KOD MENE KUĆI u BG na Senjaku !
Slanje : Post Express-om o trošku kupca !

***** Pogledajte i ostalu moju prodaju na Kupindu, možda nađete nešto interesantno :

54771923 JVC MZ-V3U Stereo Zoom mikrofon za kamkordere

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