
Jung And The Story Of Our Time - Laurence Van der Post

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ISBN: Ostalo
Godina izdanja: 2002
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Format Paperback | 288 pages
Dimensions 130 x 190 x 26mm | 240.41g
Publication date 06 Jun 2002
Publisher Vintage Publishing
Imprint Vintage Classics

Laurens van der Post was a long-time friend of Jung and here presents Jung as he knew him: Jung the man, the discoverer and explorer of a new dimension in the human spirit, rather than Jung the psychologist. Calling him a `universal personality, one of the greatest since the Renaissance`, van der Post writes much more than simply a biographical study of Jung.

Jung is a full-scale, unflinching attempt to convey the creative, pioneering greatness of the man and to show how his far-seeing vision has so greatly enlightened and enriched the spiritual poverty of modern man.

Preuzimanje Licno, Posta, Postexpress

Predmet: 50006573
Format Paperback | 288 pages
Dimensions 130 x 190 x 26mm | 240.41g
Publication date 06 Jun 2002
Publisher Vintage Publishing
Imprint Vintage Classics

Laurens van der Post was a long-time friend of Jung and here presents Jung as he knew him: Jung the man, the discoverer and explorer of a new dimension in the human spirit, rather than Jung the psychologist. Calling him a `universal personality, one of the greatest since the Renaissance`, van der Post writes much more than simply a biographical study of Jung.

Jung is a full-scale, unflinching attempt to convey the creative, pioneering greatness of the man and to show how his far-seeing vision has so greatly enlightened and enriched the spiritual poverty of modern man.
50006573 Jung And The Story Of Our Time  - Laurence Van der Post

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