
Ten Steps To Happiness - Daisy Waugh

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Post Express
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Grad: Novi Beograd,
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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

mek povez

She`s left the rat race behind – but taken her contacts book with her.

Jo Smiley abandons her glamorous London lifestyle to decamp to a draughty manor house with her new husband, the divine Charlie. Happiness awaits: all they need is a plan to make it pay.

Deep in the English countryside, Fiddleford makes an ideal refuge from the media. And as the first few paparazzi-battered guests arrive, Jo allows herself to hope. The house might be crumbling, the chef temperamental, but the Fiddleford magic never fails…apparently.

But while for the guests, happiness might be a warm cow`s nose and a ramble in the wild and beautiful gardens, the local council has other ideas. Suddenly Jo and Charlie`s rural retreat looks shaky. Can they fend off the officials, save their dream and stay on their own path to happiness?


Ostalu ponudu mozete videti na:
Ostalu ponudu mozete vi oddeti na:

Za vise kupljenih knjiga smanjuju se troskovi postarine.

Troškove poštarine snosi kupac prema zvaničnom cenovniku PTT Srbije.

Za teritoriju Beograda moze licno preuzimanje,po dogovoru!
Ukoliko se salje post-expresom ili kao vrednosno pismo,ne mora da se uplacuje pre slanja!
Molimo Vas, da pre same kupovine, putem poruke proverite da li je knjiga još na stanju

Predmet: 35443771
mek povez

She`s left the rat race behind – but taken her contacts book with her.

Jo Smiley abandons her glamorous London lifestyle to decamp to a draughty manor house with her new husband, the divine Charlie. Happiness awaits: all they need is a plan to make it pay.

Deep in the English countryside, Fiddleford makes an ideal refuge from the media. And as the first few paparazzi-battered guests arrive, Jo allows herself to hope. The house might be crumbling, the chef temperamental, but the Fiddleford magic never fails…apparently.

But while for the guests, happiness might be a warm cow`s nose and a ramble in the wild and beautiful gardens, the local council has other ideas. Suddenly Jo and Charlie`s rural retreat looks shaky. Can they fend off the officials, save their dream and stay on their own path to happiness?

35443771 Ten Steps To Happiness - Daisy Waugh

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