
Blooming Rooms:Decorating with Flowers and..., nova

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Grad: Beograd-Borča,

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Blooming Rooms: Decorating with Flowers and Floral Motifs
Autor: Anita Bronwyn Llewellyn, Meera Lester
Format: 21x26
Povez: tvrd sa zaštitnim omotačem
Br. strana: 144
Flowers, in all their magnificent incarnations, are the most popular decorating icon in the home. From the fabulous multi-floral chintzes of English cottage styles to the exquisite stylized poppies of Marrimeko, from a single perfect rose in a silver bud vase to an exotic garden room overflowing with orchids, flowers provide colorful and impassioned inspiration for all types of decorating styles. Covering historical patterns, ethnic motifs, contemporary styles, romantic imagery, floral folklore, and more, this unique style guide shows you how to integrate floral style into a complete design plan.

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Predmet: 19917249
Blooming Rooms: Decorating with Flowers and Floral Motifs
Autor: Anita Bronwyn Llewellyn, Meera Lester
Format: 21x26
Povez: tvrd sa zaštitnim omotačem
Br. strana: 144
Flowers, in all their magnificent incarnations, are the most popular decorating icon in the home. From the fabulous multi-floral chintzes of English cottage styles to the exquisite stylized poppies of Marrimeko, from a single perfect rose in a silver bud vase to an exotic garden room overflowing with orchids, flowers provide colorful and impassioned inspiration for all types of decorating styles. Covering historical patterns, ethnic motifs, contemporary styles, romantic imagery, floral folklore, and more, this unique style guide shows you how to integrate floral style into a complete design plan.
19917249 Blooming Rooms:Decorating with Flowers and..., nova

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