
Low Chicago (Wild Cards) - George R. R. Martin

1.500 din
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Novi Sad,
Novi Sad

Yonai (1374)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 2504

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Kupindo zaštita

Godina izdanja: 2018.
ISBN: 978-0-00-828520-3
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Naslov: Low Chicago (Wild Cards)
Autor: Edited by George R.R. Martin
Izdavač: Harper Voyager, London, UK
Obim strana: 417
Format: 15 x 23,5 cm
Povez: Meki

The return of the famous shared-world superhero books created and edited by George R. R. Martin, author of the A Song of Ice and Fire series.

The American Triad Series:

#1: Mississippi Roll
#2: Low Chicago
#3: Texas Hold `Em.

A time for crime has come. The stakes where already high enough at Giovanni Galante’s poker table that night in Chicago. Poker. Dealer’s choice. Seven players. A million-dollar cash buy-in. But after a superpowered disaster, the most high-profile criminals in the city are scattered throughout the past and their schemes across time threaten the stability of the world. Featuring a fresh cast of characters, the latest tale set in George R.R. Martin`s Wild Cards universe is a time travel adventure that leads to the criminal underworld of 1920s Chicago. Includes a brilliant collection of original stories from such giants of the world of science fiction and fantasy as Saladin Ahmed, Paul Cornell, Marko Kloos, John Jos. Miller, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Christopher Rowe and Melinda M. Snodgrass.

Knjiga je jako lepo očuvana.

Knjigu šaljem kao preporučenu tiskovinu nakon uplate na tekući račun, a moguće je i lično preuzimanje u Novom Sadu na mojoj adresi.

* Molim Vas da prvi kontakt bude isključivo putem Kupindo poruka. Nikako pozivom ili SMS-om.
* U slučaju knjiga ili stripova (preporučena tiskovina), troškove transporta snosi kupac po važećem cenovniku Pošte (od 06.09.2024.):

51-100 g: 172,00 dinara
101-250 g: 190,00 dinara
251-500 g: 212,00 dinara
501-1.000 g: 225,00 dinara
1.001-2.000 g: 264,00 dinara
2.001-3.000 g: 294,00 dinara
3.001-4.000 g: 324,00 dinara
4.001-5.000 g: 354,00 dinara

* Kupovinom više predmeta iz iste kategorije (knjige, puzzle, ploče, figure...) ostvarujete uštedu na poštarini, jer se kupljeni predmeti objedinjuju u jednu pošiljku.
* U slučaju bilo kakvih eventualnih nesporazuma ili nedoumica, molim Vas da me kontaktirate, kako bismo sve rešili na najbolji mogući način.

Za inostranstvo NE ŠALJEM!!!

* Pogledajte i ostatak ponude na Kupindu, kao i aukcije na Limundu:

Predmet: 80402825
Naslov: Low Chicago (Wild Cards)
Autor: Edited by George R.R. Martin
Izdavač: Harper Voyager, London, UK
Obim strana: 417
Format: 15 x 23,5 cm
Povez: Meki

The return of the famous shared-world superhero books created and edited by George R. R. Martin, author of the A Song of Ice and Fire series.

The American Triad Series:

#1: Mississippi Roll
#2: Low Chicago
#3: Texas Hold `Em.

A time for crime has come. The stakes where already high enough at Giovanni Galante’s poker table that night in Chicago. Poker. Dealer’s choice. Seven players. A million-dollar cash buy-in. But after a superpowered disaster, the most high-profile criminals in the city are scattered throughout the past and their schemes across time threaten the stability of the world. Featuring a fresh cast of characters, the latest tale set in George R.R. Martin`s Wild Cards universe is a time travel adventure that leads to the criminal underworld of 1920s Chicago. Includes a brilliant collection of original stories from such giants of the world of science fiction and fantasy as Saladin Ahmed, Paul Cornell, Marko Kloos, John Jos. Miller, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Christopher Rowe and Melinda M. Snodgrass.

Knjiga je jako lepo očuvana.

Knjigu šaljem kao preporučenu tiskovinu nakon uplate na tekući račun, a moguće je i lično preuzimanje u Novom Sadu na mojoj adresi.
80402825 Low Chicago (Wild Cards) - George R. R. Martin

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