
The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe
Introduction and commentary by Harold Beaver

Penguin Books, 1977. godine, 429 strana.

One of the greatest of all horror writers, Edgar Allan Poe (1809-49) also composed pioneering tales that seized upon the scientific developments of an era marked by staggering change. In this collection of sixteen stories, he explores such wide-ranging contemporary themes as galvanism, time travel and resurrection of the dead. `The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfall` relates a man`s balloon journey to the moon with a combination of scientific precision and astonishing fantasy. Elsewhere, the boundaries between horror and science are elegantly blurred in stories such as `The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar`, while the great essay `Eureka` outlines Poe`s own interpretation of the universe. Powerfully influential on later authors including Jules Verne, these works are essential reading for anyone wishing to trace the genealogy of science fiction, or to understand the complexity of Poe`s own creative vision

Potrebno je da knjigu zvanično naručite na sajtu, kliknite na KUPI ODMAH i odaberite željene opcije. Posle toga ćete automatski dobiti poruku sa svim podacima za uplatu ili lično preuzimanje.

Knjige starije od 50 godina, kao i knjige objavljene ove godine ne šaljem u inostranstvo zbog komplikovane carinske procedure.

Predmet: 72216065
The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe
Introduction and commentary by Harold Beaver

Penguin Books, 1977. godine, 429 strana.

One of the greatest of all horror writers, Edgar Allan Poe (1809-49) also composed pioneering tales that seized upon the scientific developments of an era marked by staggering change. In this collection of sixteen stories, he explores such wide-ranging contemporary themes as galvanism, time travel and resurrection of the dead. `The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfall` relates a man`s balloon journey to the moon with a combination of scientific precision and astonishing fantasy. Elsewhere, the boundaries between horror and science are elegantly blurred in stories such as `The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar`, while the great essay `Eureka` outlines Poe`s own interpretation of the universe. Powerfully influential on later authors including Jules Verne, these works are essential reading for anyone wishing to trace the genealogy of science fiction, or to understand the complexity of Poe`s own creative vision
72216065 The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe

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