
Sf Kolekcionarski / This World Is Taboo-Murray Leinster

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

This World Is Taboo
Murray Leinster

manji format
ACE books
127 strana

Land on Dara? One might as well commit suicide! Untouchable, like the Darans -- that`s what they`d call Calhoun if he broke the quarantine. And they`d wipe him out on sight. But Dara needed him and that was the kind of challenge this Interstellar Med Serviceman would never dodge

Let me start with a brief summation of the story:

Calhoun, is a doctor who flies a Med Ship. He has an assistant, Mergatroyd, a Tormal, which is a creature who can quickly develop antibodies from any virus he contracts, from which his antibodies can be analyzed and an antigen developed.

In this story, the planet Weald 3 has vast stores of grain. The planet Dara is in a perpetual famine. The problem is with Dara`s history—decades prior they had a planet-wide plague that passed along blue patches on skin on those people who contracted the virus, and thereby passed the anomaly to their decedents.

To make matters more interesting, Weald 3 has an irrational and over-riding fear of contracting the virus from Dara. And now enter Doctor Calhoun and Mergatroyd to solve the problem.
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Predmet: 65606805
This World Is Taboo
Murray Leinster

manji format
ACE books
127 strana

Land on Dara? One might as well commit suicide! Untouchable, like the Darans -- that`s what they`d call Calhoun if he broke the quarantine. And they`d wipe him out on sight. But Dara needed him and that was the kind of challenge this Interstellar Med Serviceman would never dodge

Let me start with a brief summation of the story:

Calhoun, is a doctor who flies a Med Ship. He has an assistant, Mergatroyd, a Tormal, which is a creature who can quickly develop antibodies from any virus he contracts, from which his antibodies can be analyzed and an antigen developed.

In this story, the planet Weald 3 has vast stores of grain. The planet Dara is in a perpetual famine. The problem is with Dara`s history—decades prior they had a planet-wide plague that passed along blue patches on skin on those people who contracted the virus, and thereby passed the anomaly to their decedents.

To make matters more interesting, Weald 3 has an irrational and over-riding fear of contracting the virus from Dara. And now enter Doctor Calhoun and Mergatroyd to solve the problem.
Lepo očuvana, stranice malo požutele
65606805 Sf Kolekcionarski / This World Is Taboo-Murray Leinster

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