
Hal Clement - Star Light (Mesklin #3)

250 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 2
Stanje: Polovan bez oštećenja
Garancija: Ne
Isporuka: Pošta
Post Express
Lično preuzimanje
Plaćanje: Tekući račun (pre slanja)
Grad: Beograd-Čukarica,

darkstarnik (2733)

100% pozitivnih ocena

Pozitivne: 3715

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Godina izdanja: Ostalo
ISBN: Ostalo
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani

Hal Clement - Star Light (Mesklin #3)

A Del Rey books, 1971. godine na 280. strana.

Dhrawn was a giant rockball, more than 3,000 times the mass of Earth. Perhaps a planet, perhaps a nearly dead star, these 17 billion square miles of mystery cried out for investigation. But its corrosive atmosphere and crushing gravity assured that no human would ever set foot on its surface.
Those hardy, caterpillarlike Mesklinites, on the other hand, were ideally suited to explore Dhrawn, and their leader certainly knew a good deal when he saw one. So Barlennan, a shrewd sea captain if ever there was one, struck a sharp bargain with the Earthmen for his services in leading the expedition.
But the humans might not have been so pleased with their side of the bargain, if they had known that Barlennan had plans of his own for Dhrawn....

Knjiga je odlicno ocuvana.

Ako osoba nije iz Beograda, knjigu saljem postom kao preporucenu tiskovinu o trosak kupca. Slanje Post Express-om je takodje izvodljivo uz pristanak kupca na njihove uslove.Licno preuzimanje u centru uz dogovor.

Ne saljem van Srbije.

Zbog visoke cene provizije post expresa predlazem da prethodno uplatite novac na ziro racun, dok cu vam knjigu poslati post expresom kome cete platiti samo postarinu.

Postoji mogucnost smanjenja postarine, ali samo ako znate broj vase dostavne poste, U tom slucaju knjigu preuzimate direktno u posti, pa je zato jeftinije.

Predmet: 48738115
Hal Clement - Star Light (Mesklin #3)

A Del Rey books, 1971. godine na 280. strana.

Dhrawn was a giant rockball, more than 3,000 times the mass of Earth. Perhaps a planet, perhaps a nearly dead star, these 17 billion square miles of mystery cried out for investigation. But its corrosive atmosphere and crushing gravity assured that no human would ever set foot on its surface.
Those hardy, caterpillarlike Mesklinites, on the other hand, were ideally suited to explore Dhrawn, and their leader certainly knew a good deal when he saw one. So Barlennan, a shrewd sea captain if ever there was one, struck a sharp bargain with the Earthmen for his services in leading the expedition.
But the humans might not have been so pleased with their side of the bargain, if they had known that Barlennan had plans of his own for Dhrawn....

Knjiga je odlicno ocuvana.
48738115 Hal Clement  -  Star Light (Mesklin #3)

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