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A4-V8M A4Tech Multi-Core Bloody Gun3 Gejmerski opticki mis, 1000Hz/200-3200 Dpi, USB 123mm

1.960 din
Želi ovaj predmet: 2
Stanje: Novo
Garancija: 2 godine
Isporuka: DExpress
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Plaćanje: Pouzećem
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Ultra Core3, it``s almost unfair. With Auto Recoil-Suppression and Trajectory Adjustment, Bloody Core3 intensifies your gun firing power with a super high headshot rate, which lets you defeat your enemy and win games effortlessly.

Bloody - the first “Multi-Core Gun3” gaming mice.
BLOODY Gun3 - The Multi-Core design has 6 breakthrough innovations with 3 shooting modes to ensure the Gamers to win their games easily.
Bloody gaming mice are the world``s most accurate shooting mice with auto recoil suppression and concentrated trajectory, which offers unprecedented high headshot rates.
Supports both software and hardware dual trajectory adjustments.
Edit your own macros with Oscar Macro Editing software

Multi-core sistem gejming gaming mis
Broj tastera: 7 tastera + Točak
Tip: Zicani gaming mis
Miš Konekcija: USB (2.0/3.0)
Miš veličina: 123x64x39mm
Dužina kabla: 1.8 m
Miš težina: 155g
Rezolucija: 200 dpi do 3,200Dpi(5 opsega podesivo)
Obrada slike: 368 mega piksela/sek
Ubrzanje: 30g
Brzina Tracking: 75inča/sek
Vreme odziva : 1ms
160K ugrađe
gejming gaming mouse $ AVAGO A3305 3200CPI SENSOR

Ultra Core3, it``s almost unfair. With Auto Recoil-Suppression and Trajectory Adjustment, Bloody Core3 intensifies your gun firing power with a super high headshot rate, which lets you defeat your enemy and win games effortlessly.

Bloody - the first “Multi-Core Gun3” gaming mice.
BLOODY Gun3 - The Multi-Core design has 6 breakthrough innovations with 3 shooting modes to ensure the Gamers to win their games easily.
Bloody gaming mice are the world``s most accurate shooting mice with auto recoil suppression and concentrated trajectory, which offers unprecedented high headshot rates.
Supports both software and hardware dual trajectory adjustments.
Edit your own macros with Oscar Macro Editing software

Multi-core sistem gejming gaming mis
Broj tastera: 7 tastera + Točak
Tip: Zicani gaming mis
Miš Konekcija: USB (2.0/3.0)
Miš veličina: 123x64x39mm
Dužina kabla: 1.8 m
Miš težina: 155g
Rezolucija: 200 dpi do 3,200Dpi(5 opsega podesivo)
Obrada slike: 368 mega piksela/sek
Ubrzanje: 30g
Brzina Tracking: 75inča/sek
Vreme odziva : 1ms
160K ugrađe
gejming gaming mouse $

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Radimo ponedeljak-petak 9-16:45h, vikendom nije moguce licno preuzimanje.

- Naš asortiman : Gembird, A4 Tech, Tenda, DeepCool, Microlab, TeamGroup, WD...
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Predmet: 34971063

Ultra Core3, it``s almost unfair. With Auto Recoil-Suppression and Trajectory Adjustment, Bloody Core3 intensifies your gun firing power with a super high headshot rate, which lets you defeat your enemy and win games effortlessly.

Bloody - the first “Multi-Core Gun3” gaming mice.
BLOODY Gun3 - The Multi-Core design has 6 breakthrough innovations with 3 shooting modes to ensure the Gamers to win their games easily.
Bloody gaming mice are the world``s most accurate shooting mice with auto recoil suppression and concentrated trajectory, which offers unprecedented high headshot rates.
Supports both software and hardware dual trajectory adjustments.
Edit your own macros with Oscar Macro Editing software

Multi-core sistem gejming gaming mis
Broj tastera: 7 tastera + Točak
Tip: Zicani gaming mis
Miš Konekcija: USB (2.0/3.0)
Miš veličina: 123x64x39mm
Dužina kabla: 1.8 m
Miš težina: 155g
Rezolucija: 200 dpi do 3,200Dpi(5 opsega podesivo)
Obrada slike: 368 mega piksela/sek
Ubrzanje: 30g
Brzina Tracking: 75inča/sek
Vreme odziva : 1ms
160K ugrađe
gejming gaming mouse $ AVAGO A3305 3200CPI SENSOR

Ultra Core3, it``s almost unfair. With Auto Recoil-Suppression and Trajectory Adjustment, Bloody Core3 intensifies your gun firing power with a super high headshot rate, which lets you defeat your enemy and win games effortlessly.

Bloody - the first “Multi-Core Gun3” gaming mice.
BLOODY Gun3 - The Multi-Core design has 6 breakthrough innovations with 3 shooting modes to ensure the Gamers to win their games easily.
Bloody gaming mice are the world``s most accurate shooting mice with auto recoil suppression and concentrated trajectory, which offers unprecedented high headshot rates.
Supports both software and hardware dual trajectory adjustments.
Edit your own macros with Oscar Macro Editing software

Multi-core sistem gejming gaming mis
Broj tastera: 7 tastera + Točak
Tip: Zicani gaming mis
Miš Konekcija: USB (2.0/3.0)
Miš veličina: 123x64x39mm
Dužina kabla: 1.8 m
Miš težina: 155g
Rezolucija: 200 dpi do 3,200Dpi(5 opsega podesivo)
Obrada slike: 368 mega piksela/sek
Ubrzanje: 30g
Brzina Tracking: 75inča/sek
Vreme odziva : 1ms
160K ugrađe
gejming gaming mouse $
34971063 A4-V8M A4Tech Multi-Core Bloody Gun3 Gejmerski opticki mis, 1000Hz/200-3200 Dpi, USB 123mm

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